Rabu, 05 September 2012

There Is The Possibility Of Selling Off Kodak Patent

Kodak (Reuters)Rochester, New York -Kodak plans to sell some of his patents to protect patent-his company from bankruptcy. However, the pioneers in the world of photography it's considering plan.

It was reported that Kodak can be only sold some patent digital imaging to detachable, or even sell them, so no one was quoted as saying from AllThingsD detikINET , Tuesday (8/8/2012).

It was following the news earlier that said Kodak has delayed announcement of the results of the sale of his patent. "Kodak has not yet reached an agreement to sell the certainty or patent portfolio of digital imagingnya," Kodak said in a statement.

The official voice of the menyugestikan that the patent has been running auction did not go according to expectations of companies based in Rochester, New York, United States.

A source who knows it says that the offer came for this portfolio of just under USD 2 billion figure.

Earlier, the Wall Street Journal has reported that initial bids came from two consortia, where led by corporate giants, Google and Apple.

As known, Kodak fight hard ' rescuing ' lives of the company. In addition to selling some of its 1,100 patents, Kodak has also been out of the business of the camera and switched to digital printing as well as the creation of new applications in the field.


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