Illustration (Ist)Jakarta -the high use of Android is directly proportional to malware attacks are getting more and more devices. Jim drunkenly hitting on According to the State of Mobility Survey, 67% of companies concerned with attacks of malware that spreads from the mobile device to the internal network.
To protect Android devices that are connected with the company from threats originating from the Internet and applications, Symantec announced the availability of Symantec Mobile Security for Android.
This Software utilizes exclusive Symantec technology to monitor and analyze millions of Android apps on the appstore worldwide. Mobile Security for Android using the detection of anti-malware technology Symantec Mobile Security from Norton, who has been protecting millions of Android devices.
With the integration of the whole Odyssey Software-products previously Odyssey Athena now a Symantec Mobile Management for Configuration Manager--Symantec is now offering three different deployment options for mobile device management (MDM).
Stand-alone MDM solutions, MDM that integrates with Altiris IT Management Suite from Symantec and MDM are integrated to Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager.
This option enables scalable enterprise-class management of MDM and integrated endpoint management platform from two of the most widely used.
In addition, the entire product Symantec Mobile Management now integrates with leading enterprise email client for Android-NitroDesk TouchDown – to provide email services via mobile devices safe, as well as allow the safe application of Android devices in the enterprise.
By providing a dedicated email client enterprise, Symantec tackle some of the problems of security and management, including the separation of personal and corporate data. According to the official description detikINET thank, Saturday (18/8/2012).
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