Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

Exclusive Symantec protection for Android Handsets

Illustration (Ist)Jakarta -the high use of Android is directly proportional to malware attacks are getting more and more devices. Jim drunkenly hitting on According to the State of Mobility Survey, 67% of companies concerned with attacks of malware that spreads from the mobile device to the internal network.

To protect Android devices that are connected with the company from threats originating from the Internet and applications, Symantec announced the availability of Symantec Mobile Security for Android.

This Software utilizes exclusive Symantec technology to monitor and analyze millions of Android apps on the appstore worldwide. Mobile Security for Android using the detection of anti-malware technology Symantec Mobile Security from Norton, who has been protecting millions of Android devices.

With the integration of the whole Odyssey Software-products previously Odyssey Athena now a Symantec Mobile Management for Configuration Manager--Symantec is now offering three different deployment options for mobile device management (MDM).

Stand-alone MDM solutions, MDM that integrates with Altiris IT Management Suite from Symantec and MDM are integrated to Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager.

This option enables scalable enterprise-class management of MDM and integrated endpoint management platform from two of the most widely used.

In addition, the entire product Symantec Mobile Management now integrates with leading enterprise email client for Android-NitroDesk TouchDown – to provide email services via mobile devices safe, as well as allow the safe application of Android devices in the enterprise.

By providing a dedicated email client enterprise, Symantec tackle some of the problems of security and management, including the separation of personal and corporate data. According to the official description detikINET thank, Saturday (18/8/2012).


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Make Photo Black & White charming

Example photo BW (dok. Johntefon)Jakarta -how do I make a photo black and white (BW) so that the result is not good too ' flat '?

(Naren Setyawan, 23 years old)


Make photo BW is engrossing, where all the objects lose color, remaining only the dark tones/light that form the dimensions of an object that is defined by the character and intensity of the light that hit her. To produce a good photo BW, it takes a process to reorganized the tone (tone) to get pictures of BW are wonderful.

Create BW photo in the digital age, preferably with color mode, memotretnya in order to get a richer tone variants rather than memotretnya with monochrome mode.

To process it, could use Photoshop, and here the author uses Adobe Photoshop CS5 and the work was carried out in three stages, namely:

1. set the contrast color before making it BW
2. set the parameter of color
3. Burning and dodging

Stage 1: Optimize Contrast

Open a photo file with Photoshop. And in this photo, color/tone look less attractive, especially in the trees and dedaunannya melody, contrasts too flat so need to be optimized before being processed into BW. The easiest way to change the contrast of the colors is by utilizing the layer blending system. Show Layers palette by accessing the Window menu or press F7 > Layers on the keyboard.

After the Layers palette appear, create a duplicate layer by right clicking on the Background layer, and when Duplicate Layer dialog box appears, click OK to terminate these steps. Change the blending to Overlay, so that Normal contrast is not excessive, reduce the Opacity to 30%.

Stage 2: Adjustment Black & White

This facility provides an extremely high flexibility, where you can set the brightness of the color tone based on individually. To apply it, click the button Add New Adjustment Layer that lies at the bottom of the layers palette, and select Black & White.

Switch to the Adjustment panel, slide to the right or left of the color to brighten or darken the tone color, for example object based on shifting the slider to darken the blue on Blue Sky, and slide the slider to the right to brighten the Green foliage and trees, so on. Here there is no raw settings become a necessity, it all really depends on the condition the picture.

Stage 3: Burning/Dodging

This is the stage the most engrossing, here we do a burning and dodging at every detail in order to create the impression of dimensions to every object and detail as deemed necessary. For that, create a new layer by clicking on the button Add New layer contained at the bottom of the layers palette.

Fill a new layer that is still empty with pixels of the display is intact. Here's how, access the menu Image > Apply Image.

Take the Burn Tool from the Tool Box. This Tool serves to darken the colors based on Range (tonal range). Adjust the size, and set its parameters on the Options Tool bar eperti example below.

Broom in the darkened skies, wants for example or in water to bring up the details in an area that is too white.

Switch to Dodge Tool from the Tool Box. This Tool serves to brighten the color based on the Range (tonal range). Adjust the size, and set the parameters in the Tool Options bar.
A broom at the enlightened want to for example the bottom of the sky, or in foliage and trees to bring up detail in areas that are too dark.

Any disclosed here, is simply a technique processing only. To be able to make a good BW photos, you must train your sensitivity and ability in the sense of beauty and propriety in order to create a better harmonization of the tone.

(sha/sha) Johntefon Johntefon pioneer career since 1979 as an Illustrator. He then Active parenting rubric of digital imaging in a number of media and published more than a dozen software digital imaging in the range of 2000s. Johntefon is also active in a wide range of speakers as well as photography seminar to be guest lecturers remained outstanding at Institut Seni Indonesia since 2002 until now. Website:, Twitter: @ johntefon.

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Traffic Lebaran XL Helped Data Access

Jakarta -data services have become the premier choice for XL customers on day bersilaturahim Lebaran this year, surpassing even the SMS delivery plummeted and voice call who just got a little ride.

President Director XL Axiata Hasnul Suhaimi admitted, generally experienced a surge in Data traffic service of the most high Voice and SMS services are compared.

"This is in line with the ever increasing use of data services such as service usage of FUEL (BlackBerry Messenger), Facebook, Twitter or other social networking media," says Hasnul, Tuesday (9/8/2012).

According to him, on a typical day, traffic recorded 600 million conversation minutes XL, 660 million, and SMS data 52 Terabytes.

The highest traffic increases in the H-2 and H-1, took place on the data services which is 30,8% and 10.4%. While the rise in the highest voice in H 4.5%, with the highest traffic usage occurred in the East (East Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara) who reached 7,68%.

"During the celebration of Eid ul-Fitr, against the service smoothly and regulars do not experience disruption which means," pungkas Hasnul.

The following details of traffic during Idul Fitri: XL

H-2: 68 + terabytes (30,8%)
H-1: 66 terabytes (+ 10.4%)
H: 62 terabytes (+ 19%)

Voice Call:
H-2: 560 million (-6.7%) min
H-1: 556,4 million (-6.6%) min
H: 625 million (+ 4.5%) min

H-2: 470 million SMS (-29%)
H-1: 575 million (-12.9%) SMS
H: 565 million SMS (-14%)


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Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

BlankOn Could Save OS Banyumas Rp 7 billion Shopping Cart Software

Launch OS BlankOn Banyumas (ist)Jakarta -if the whole computer users in Banyumas, Banyumas BlankOn OS adopted in calculation has occurred saving approximately USD 7 billion for spending on shopping and Office applications operating system.

BlankOn Banyumas open operating system itself is in Banyumas local community developed by and released to coincide with the independence day August 17, yesterday, in the Hall of the Vice Regent Banyumas.

Director of the Polytechnic Pratama, Djati Kusumo Widjoyo, who attended the launch, assessing the presence of this OS can answer three important issues, namely reducing piracy Banyumas software, saving on IT expenditures, and technology independence.

Of the three issues, the problem of piracy so my main concern. According to Djati, most computer users use the software in the Banyumas pirated or stolen. legally, the Act that can be categorized as a criminal offence. In addition to that, strictly speaking, piracy is not a character that uphold citizens Banyumas Knight figure.

"We got the number two world ranking hijackers. Ironically, piracy of software is done by the Government, law enforcement, academics, student/learner, and citizens. Gradually, the acts of theft and corruption is considered normal. What is this called City satria? Danger, right! "stated Djati to detikINET, Tuesday (9/8/2012).

Second, the presence of this OS could trim the funds dinilainya shopping software. For computer users in Djati, Banyumas already over 20 thousand users. When computer users are law abiding then shopping could reach Rp system operation 2 billion.

In addition, when your computer is being used merely for the purposes of offices, such as typing, messaging, data and presentation, then there are approximately USD 4-5 billion shopping for office applications.

Well, he thought, if the citizens of this user using OS BlankOn Banyumas, those funds could be redirected to the more important purposes such as education, poverty reduction, and community empowerment. Allocating funds to these purposes, strictly speaking, characterized the Knights as well.

"Proprietary operating system Price of about USD $ 1 million, the office application can be $ 2-3 million. In the meantime, be had free BlankOn Banyumas, computer users simply replace the packaging and packaging fees of about 10 thousand. This form of budget savings are tremendous, "he said.

Third, the issue is independence technology. By Banyumas, Banyumas BlankOn residents showed the public that they were able to build self-reliance technologies. It is evidenced by the large number of villages and computer users who are already using this operating system. The spirit of self-reliance was a step forward for the technology development of science and technology in Banyumas.

"Independence technologies are the ideals of the founders of the nation. Development of BlankOn Banyumas don't until it stops, let continue to innovate, "pungkas Djati.

Launching of BlankOn Banyumas operating systems was attended by various circles of society. Starting from the directory, the village chief, academics, teachers, student, blogger, activist of migrant workers, the press, and practitioners of information technology.

BlankOn Banyumas launch event open to the general public. For the citizens of Banyumas and Banyumas who follow the show will get copies of CD installer BlankOn Banyumas free of charge. These communities can also be contacted via twitter @ blankonbanyumas or


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Google Motorola to Sue Apple for use

Jakarta -the war between smartphone makers lawsuit has yet to show signs of ending. The latest, breaking a seven-point fingers at Apple Motorola patents.

Google acquired phone vendors were asking the authorities actions to block the import of iPhone, iPad and Mac computers. Those devices are prohibited from circulating in the United States was requested.

Motorola registered to the institution complained International Trade Comission (ITC). The patent in question related to location, email notification reminders, video player and so on.

"We want to resolve the issue of patents, but an unwillingness to Apple to make melisensinya we had no choice but defend our innovations," a statement that Motorola detikINET quotation of DigitalTrends, Sunday (19/8/2012).

It is judged as a war between Google and Apple, with Google using Motorola patents to attack Apple. What's more, Apple a lot of vendors like Samsung memperkarakan Android as well as Motorola's own.


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Olympus Four Thirds Body Prepare New

Olympus E-5 (TechRadar)Jakarta -after much speculation that arises, Olympus finally confirmed that it central to the ranks of its execution of the above camera lens Four Thirdsnya.

It expressed directly by Akira Watanabe from Olympus Japan. Just confirm that's what issued Watanabe without mentioning the full details.

Olympus still does the camera is broke in a category, so a DSLR or mirrorless quoted from TechRadar detikINET , Tuesday (8/8/2012).

Previously, many predicted that the Olympus will not be created again in the line of Four Thirds cameras. Camera manufacturer's own last time introduce a new model to its line of it in 2010.

Since the debut of the E-5, Olympus focus concentration on devices such as Micro Four Thirds PEN and OM-D.

Speaking on TechRadar, Watanabe said, "consider the Olympus Four Thirds as consumers consumers are important, and we plan to make that body incompatible with our high-quality lenses".


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Microsoft will Produce 3 Million Tablet Surface

Microsoft Surface (ist)Jakarta -Microsoft Surface will be circulated as soon as possible. Tablet PC that use Windows operating system this is predictable will be produced 8 Microsoft around 3 million units in its infancy.

"The possibility of production of about 3 million, both versions of the Intel x 86 and ARM processors," said Bob O'Donnel, analysts from leading research firm, IDC's quotation from detikINET Cnet, Sunday (19/8/2012).

Microsoft Tablet Surface is indeed created in 2 versions. The first version uses the ARM processor and OS Windows RT. one more use Intel processors and operating system Windows 8 Pro.

More recently, growing speculation that Microsoft would sell at a bargain price so that the Surface of competitive and market demand. O'Donnel is not denied the possibility.

"There are two Possible ways to get the Surface. Buy direct only worth maybe around 599 USD. Or USD 199 with a two-year contract the operator, "imbuh O'Donnel.

However, Microsoft will sell O'Donnel dubious Surface with a price as cheap as it is. Because if so, the Microsoft relationship with partners PC will be uninterrupted.

Judging by the banderol O'Donnel USD 199, Microsoft will dominate the tablet market Windows too. In fact, the PC maker partners will also make the tablet PC with Windows OS.


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Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Escorted ' Superman ', BlackBerry Telkomsel Jumped 226%

Traffic monitoring on Superman Telkomsel (dok. telkomsel) – TelkomselJakarta noted an increase in broadband data services traffic to more than 55% or reach the terabyte and BlackBerry services 157 jumped significantly to 226% compared to last year's Eid al-Fitr or reached over 7.5 Gbps.

High surge also occur in MMS service to more than 170% with the number of MMS sent over 3,23 million MMS, SMS and voice service whilst also increasing more than 1.12 billion SMS sent, up 25% compared to a normal day, and 1.28 billion minutes of voice connected, up 24% compared to the previous Idul Fitri.

In his written remarks, Tuesday (9/8/2012), Telkomsel claimed the quality of all services good voice, SMS, MMS and data shows a very good performance.

In the meantime until 1 H + concentration increase in Idul Fitri communication traffic especially traffic Telkomsel voice service or the sound occurred in the area of West Sumatra (Padang Pariaman, High Hill,) with a surge in traffic of up to 72% of the normal day.

For the highest SMS traffic occurs in the area of East Java with a surge in traffic to more than 154% from the normal day. While the area of Central Java was recorded as a region with the highest usage of data services up to 152% especially in Tegal city and the surrounding area include Pemalang, Brebes and Cilacap, Kebumen,.

Service level of success at the 2012 Telkomsel Lebaran very satisfy with the success of SMS delivery (Global Delivery Rate) reached 99,82%, the success of voice calls (Call Success Rate) 97,62%, voice call completion success (Call Completion Rate) 98,57%, the success of data service (Data Success Rate) 99,88% success, as well as Refill Service Toll (Recharge Success Rate) reached 99,76%.

Telkomsel also ensures its infrastructure throughout Indonesia maintained well and is in optimum condition to serve communities throughout the season until the flow back and forth Lebaran by relying on ' Superman ' aka Supervisory and Monitoring Network Perfomance, and deploy Combat units 10 or Mobile BASE STATIONS to add communication traffic handling capability.


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Traffic Voice Call Lebaran Indosat Dropped 5.8%

Jakarta -Mobile Operator Indosat increasing telecommunications traffic record since season to date-mudik Lebaran H. There are still significant though for sound or voice call service is not as high as the previous year.

Voice traffic on National Day-H Indosat had increased to about 379,38 million minutes, up about 13.99% compared to regular voice traffic amounted to 332 Million before Ramadan minutes in June 2012.

"The highest increase in traffic noise going on in the area of West Java, Central Java 51,14% 32,36%, and Southern Sumatra 36,10%," said Adrian Prasanto, head of Corporate Communication, Indosat to detikINET, Tuesday (9/8/2012).

While SMS traffic in d-day increased to around 1,025 Million SMS, or up 32% compared to regular SMS traffic before Ramadan of 776 million SMS in June 2012.

"Indosat Customer Success send more than 96% which means there is no significant problem in SMS sending internal network Indosat," Adrian's claim.

While the success of the dispatch of SMS traffic operator reached approximately 94,70% while shipping line density occurred among operators. The highest increases occurred in East Java (47.86%), West Java (52.39%), and Central Java (46.86%).

While data traffic in days improved to around 44.58 H Tb/day, or riding 26.90% compared to Data traffic on before Ramadan i.e. in June 2012.

When compared to the condition H-day Idul Fitri last year, then voice traffic d-day 2012 decreased 5,83%. While SMS traffic d-day 2012 rising 14% versus SMS traffic on H 2011. And data communication traffic increased 68,09% compared to traffic last year.

Nationally, Indosat has increased traffic capacity voice be 924 million minutes per day, increased by 140.6% compared to regular traffic day ever.

For SMS, Indosat increasing capacity to 1.4 billion SMS per day, an increase of 62,41% compared to regular traffic day ever. While for the data, improving the capacity to 120 Indosat Terabytes per day, i.e. an increase of% compared to regular traffic 197,5 days uncommon.


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Sony Show Off Your Xperia SL

Xperia SL (sony)Jakarta -Sony showed off its newest Android smartphone back. Xperia SL, recently appeared on the official website of Sony United Kingdom and seem to be marketed immediately. Its status is ' coming soon '.

Quoted from IBNLive detikINET , Tuesday (7/8/2012), the handset is touted as the successor to the Xperia s. Indeed shape is both very similar. There were only a few improvement attributed to the Xperia SL.

Xperia SL was featured with two additional color options are silver and pink. Processors are better than Xperia S, i.e. dual core 1.7 Ghaz Snapdragon S3. Then it was put on the system operating Ice Cream Sandwiches.

As for other specifications similar to the Xperia s. 12.2 megapixel camera, 4.3 inch touch screen and resolution 1280 x 720 pixels.

Since parting with Ericsson late last year, Sony look vigorous market construction in various models of handsets. All of them use the Android operating system.


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Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

HTC Rp 380 Billion Loss due to restructuring of the OnLive

HTC (ist)Taipei -HTC must be booked losses of USD 40 million or about $ 380 billion due to investment which failed in a cloud-based game service, OnLive.

Mobile phone manufacturers from Taiwan this embed these investments then February 2011. This action is seen as movement HTC to bring more smartphones to online gaming in between them.

But unfortunately, on the other side was forced to OnLive does restructuring due to infrastructure costs are so high that makes this company failed elections caused profit. This condition that caused huge losses for HTC.

Quoted from PCWorld detikINET , Tuesday (9/8/2012), the US company has been acquired by a new owner who is not mentioned by name. Upon this acquisition, OnLive is still continuing, but layanananya as part of the restructuring, a number of employees have been laid off.

The loss was just a month after HTC hose review its investment in service belonging to the Beats Electronics. HTC bought most stocks Beats with a value of USD 300 million to enhance the capabilities of the audio system in the handset.

However, after almost a year the deal was done, HTC said in July that it would sell back its stake and maintain only 25% ownership. Analysts say, investing in did not meet the expectations of HTC Beats.


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Zuckerberg will stop Pimpin Facebook?

Mark Zuckerberg (thinkstock)Jakarta -Facebook share price freefall continued. Record lowest price happened recently at a cost of USD 19,06 from the initial price of USD 38. Poor stock performance gave rise to speculation that Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg should not continue to lead Facebook as CEO.

An industry analyst argued that Zuckerberg, known as kasualnya makeup can focus on technological Affairs on Facebook. While Facebook is owned by business people who are really competent.

"I think there's a sense of little faith against his ability to run the corporations," said Andre Stoltman, securities lawyer in New York who detikINET quote from ComputerWorld, Sunday (19/8/2012).

"Zuckerberg, viewed from any side of it is a genius. However, You should have a chief executive who is older and more experienced in running these companies, "he added.

However, Zuckerberg stays have support for Facebook continues to lead. Patrik Moorhead, analyst at Moors Insights & Strategy, said it is too early to discuss the possibility of changing of Facebook'S CEO.

"He has provided the necessary vision to become as big as Facebook now and they still will need him as a guide. Zuckerberg should remain in the top position now, "said Patrik.

Karten Weide as the analysts at IDC said that Zuckerberg would not give a chance to others to lead a company that he founded it.

"Mark Zuckerberg wouldn't have stepped down in the near future. He is a man on a mission, that want to force world, if necessary, to make it more open. And as a man on a mission, he is not concerned about the business, "opinion Karten.


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Discover Blankspot in Kominfo Still Line Mudik

When Idle Tifatul Sembiring Apple Admits Lebaran (tyo/inet)Jakarta -Although the performance of the operator during the Lebaran rated pretty good, still finds the presence of Ministry Kominfo area minimal signal from some telecommunication operators in a number of track go.

According to the head of the center of information and public relations of the Ministry, Gatot S Dewa Kominfo Broto, blankspot is still found in the path of the road amid rolling hills in West Java, although it was not until the connection is disconnected.

"There has been a number of complaints by the existence of countless users of various telecommunication provider are feeling the constraints of or interruptions in or communicate to access the internet during the Lebaran," said Tuesday (21/8/2012).

However, the Ministry continues to give appreciation of Kominfo numerous telecommunication provider which has sought the maximum and best possible during Hari Raya Aidilfitri, either through increased network capacity, monitoring regularly for 24 hours full speed, as well as emergency response in the face of technical issues.

Although evaluations comprehensively carried out by the Ministry of Telecommunications Regulatory Bodies and Kominfo Indonesia (DEH.LAPORIN FORGIVENESS) not done yet, but based on monitoring and evaluation as well as a summary of the various initial information gathered from various circles of society, as far as it can be inferred that the quality of telecommunications services, are in a pretty good level.

Summit celebration of Eid ul-Fitr is indeed already passed. However, said Gatot, fixed telecommunications providers are instructed to maintain quality service at least until H + 7, as instructed by Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring.

"This is because related to the impending feedback where telecommunications service, pemudik especially in densely populated areas, traffic concentrations remain sorely needed to communicate with each other," explains Gatot.

Kominfo pretty sure quality of services of telecommunications to H + 7 will still be awake well like these last few years. However, in the unlikely event occurs, then basic offence remained evaluasinya referring to law No. 36 of 2008 about Telecommunications and also PP. No. 52 in 2000 in particular with article 15 para (1) which States that the service provider is obligated to provide telecommunications facilities to guarantee service quality telecommunications services telecommunications is good.

In addition there are also five Ministerial Regulations associated with standard Kominfo quality telecommunications services, which has been in force since July 21, 2008.


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