Jakarta -data services have become the premier choice for XL customers on day bersilaturahim Lebaran this year, surpassing even the SMS delivery plummeted and voice call who just got a little ride.
President Director XL Axiata Hasnul Suhaimi admitted, generally experienced a surge in Data traffic service of the most high Voice and SMS services are compared.
"This is in line with the ever increasing use of data services such as service usage of FUEL (BlackBerry Messenger), Facebook, Twitter or other social networking media," says Hasnul, Tuesday (9/8/2012).
According to him, on a typical day, traffic recorded 600 million conversation minutes XL, 660 million, and SMS data 52 Terabytes.
The highest traffic increases in the H-2 and H-1, took place on the data services which is 30,8% and 10.4%. While the rise in the highest voice in H 4.5%, with the highest traffic usage occurred in the East (East Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara) who reached 7,68%.
"During the celebration of Eid ul-Fitr, against the service smoothly and regulars do not experience disruption which means," pungkas Hasnul.
The following details of traffic during Idul Fitri: XL
H-2: 68 + terabytes (30,8%)
H-1: 66 terabytes (+ 10.4%)
H: 62 terabytes (+ 19%)
Voice Call:
H-2: 560 million (-6.7%) min
H-1: 556,4 million (-6.6%) min
H: 625 million (+ 4.5%) min
H-2: 470 million SMS (-29%)
H-1: 575 million (-12.9%) SMS
H: 565 million SMS (-14%)
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