Traffic monitoring on Superman Telkomsel (dok. telkomsel) – TelkomselJakarta noted an increase in broadband data services traffic to more than 55% or reach the terabyte and BlackBerry services 157 jumped significantly to 226% compared to last year's Eid al-Fitr or reached over 7.5 Gbps.
High surge also occur in MMS service to more than 170% with the number of MMS sent over 3,23 million MMS, SMS and voice service whilst also increasing more than 1.12 billion SMS sent, up 25% compared to a normal day, and 1.28 billion minutes of voice connected, up 24% compared to the previous Idul Fitri.
In his written remarks, Tuesday (9/8/2012), Telkomsel claimed the quality of all services good voice, SMS, MMS and data shows a very good performance.
In the meantime until 1 H + concentration increase in Idul Fitri communication traffic especially traffic Telkomsel voice service or the sound occurred in the area of West Sumatra (Padang Pariaman, High Hill,) with a surge in traffic of up to 72% of the normal day.
For the highest SMS traffic occurs in the area of East Java with a surge in traffic to more than 154% from the normal day. While the area of Central Java was recorded as a region with the highest usage of data services up to 152% especially in Tegal city and the surrounding area include Pemalang, Brebes and Cilacap, Kebumen,.
Service level of success at the 2012 Telkomsel Lebaran very satisfy with the success of SMS delivery (Global Delivery Rate) reached 99,82%, the success of voice calls (Call Success Rate) 97,62%, voice call completion success (Call Completion Rate) 98,57%, the success of data service (Data Success Rate) 99,88% success, as well as Refill Service Toll (Recharge Success Rate) reached 99,76%.
Telkomsel also ensures its infrastructure throughout Indonesia maintained well and is in optimum condition to serve communities throughout the season until the flow back and forth Lebaran by relying on ' Superman ' aka Supervisory and Monitoring Network Perfomance, and deploy Combat units 10 or Mobile BASE STATIONS to add communication traffic handling capability.
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