Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

Make Photo Black & White charming

Example photo BW (dok. Johntefon)Jakarta -how do I make a photo black and white (BW) so that the result is not good too ' flat '?

(Naren Setyawan, 23 years old)


Make photo BW is engrossing, where all the objects lose color, remaining only the dark tones/light that form the dimensions of an object that is defined by the character and intensity of the light that hit her. To produce a good photo BW, it takes a process to reorganized the tone (tone) to get pictures of BW are wonderful.

Create BW photo in the digital age, preferably with color mode, memotretnya in order to get a richer tone variants rather than memotretnya with monochrome mode.

To process it, could use Photoshop, and here the author uses Adobe Photoshop CS5 and the work was carried out in three stages, namely:

1. set the contrast color before making it BW
2. set the parameter of color
3. Burning and dodging

Stage 1: Optimize Contrast

Open a photo file with Photoshop. And in this photo, color/tone look less attractive, especially in the trees and dedaunannya melody, contrasts too flat so need to be optimized before being processed into BW. The easiest way to change the contrast of the colors is by utilizing the layer blending system. Show Layers palette by accessing the Window menu or press F7 > Layers on the keyboard.

After the Layers palette appear, create a duplicate layer by right clicking on the Background layer, and when Duplicate Layer dialog box appears, click OK to terminate these steps. Change the blending to Overlay, so that Normal contrast is not excessive, reduce the Opacity to 30%.

Stage 2: Adjustment Black & White

This facility provides an extremely high flexibility, where you can set the brightness of the color tone based on individually. To apply it, click the button Add New Adjustment Layer that lies at the bottom of the layers palette, and select Black & White.

Switch to the Adjustment panel, slide to the right or left of the color to brighten or darken the tone color, for example object based on shifting the slider to darken the blue on Blue Sky, and slide the slider to the right to brighten the Green foliage and trees, so on. Here there is no raw settings become a necessity, it all really depends on the condition the picture.

Stage 3: Burning/Dodging

This is the stage the most engrossing, here we do a burning and dodging at every detail in order to create the impression of dimensions to every object and detail as deemed necessary. For that, create a new layer by clicking on the button Add New layer contained at the bottom of the layers palette.

Fill a new layer that is still empty with pixels of the display is intact. Here's how, access the menu Image > Apply Image.

Take the Burn Tool from the Tool Box. This Tool serves to darken the colors based on Range (tonal range). Adjust the size, and set its parameters on the Options Tool bar eperti example below.

Broom in the darkened skies, wants for example or in water to bring up the details in an area that is too white.

Switch to Dodge Tool from the Tool Box. This Tool serves to brighten the color based on the Range (tonal range). Adjust the size, and set the parameters in the Tool Options bar.
A broom at the enlightened want to for example the bottom of the sky, or in foliage and trees to bring up detail in areas that are too dark.

Any disclosed here, is simply a technique processing only. To be able to make a good BW photos, you must train your sensitivity and ability in the sense of beauty and propriety in order to create a better harmonization of the tone.

(sha/sha) Johntefon Johntefon pioneer career since 1979 as an Illustrator. He then Active parenting rubric of digital imaging in a number of media and published more than a dozen software digital imaging in the range of 2000s. Johntefon is also active in a wide range of speakers as well as photography seminar to be guest lecturers remained outstanding at Institut Seni Indonesia since 2002 until now. Website:, Twitter: @ johntefon.

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