Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Kasus Pemerasan Indosat: Denny AK Mengaku Tak Jera

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ilustrasi (dok.detikcom) Jakarta - Kasus dugaan pemerasan yang dilakukan oleh Denny AK terhadap Indosat memasuki agenda sidang mendengarkan saksi dari pihak kepolisian. Polisi dari Polda Metro Jaya, Ronald Purba dan Efendi mengungkapkan penangkapan yang dilakukan oleh polisi sudah sesuai dengan prosedur.

"Kami melaksanakan tugas dilengkapi dengan surat tugas," kata Ronald Purba saat memberikan kesaksian di ruang persidangan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat, Jalan Gadjah Mada, Jakarta, Rabu (15/8/2012).

Menurutnya, pihak polisi menerima laporan adanya surat aduan dari pelapor yakni Dirut Indosat Hari Sasongko. Dari surat aduan tersebut polisi melakukan penyidikan dan mengindikasikan akan adanya pemerasan yang dilakukan oleh Denny.

Ronald yang saat itu menyamar sabagai pengunjung resto di Peper Lunch menerangkan dirinya melihat staf legal Indosat, David menyerahkan map hitam berisi amplop coklat berisi uang dollar. Saat Denny sedang menghitung uang yang ada di dalam amplop tiba-tiba Ronald dan Efendi langsung mengamankan terdakwa beserta barang bukti.

Sama halnya dengan Ronald, Efendi memberikan kesaksian bahwa pihak kepolisian mengindikasikan adanya pemeran yang dilakukan oleh Denny dari adanya aduan yang dilaporkan oleh Dirut Indosat. "Kita memperoleh informasi akan ada penyerahan uang," ujar Efendi.

Di kesempatan yang sama Denny yang hadir di ruang persidangan membantah sebagian keterangan yang diucapkan oleh saksi. "Keterangan saksi banyak salahnya," ucap Denny kepada ketua majelis hakim Heru Sutanto.

Denny menyampaikan bahwa dirinya tidak melakukan pemerasan. Menurutnya hal ini adalah bentuk kriminalisasi yang dilakukan oleh pihak Indosat. "Indosat sakit hati bagimana caranya masukin saya ke penjara. Jadi tidak ada pemerasan. Ini ada kriminalisasi yang dilakukan Indosat," ucap Denny.

Denny mengaku awalnya dia tidak tahu jika tas yang diberikan kepadanya berisi uang. Dia merasa ini adalah jebakan yang dilakukan Indosat terhadap dirinya. "Awalnya saya tidak pernah tahu isi amplop itu uang. Soal pemerasan Rp 30 miliar itu tidak benar," ujarnya.

Denny menambahkan, dirinya akan tetap berjuang melawan hukum meskipun saat ini dia harus mendekam di Rutan Salemba. Menurutnya hal ini tidak akan membuat dia jera dan patah arang.

"Intinya saya akan tetap jalan, tidak akan membuat saya jera. Anda infokan ke provider hati-hati mereka kalau mau bisnis yang fair," ungkap Denny.

Sidang ditunda satu minggu ke depan pada Rabu 29 Agustus 2012 mendatang dengan agenda mendengarkan keterangan saksi lainya.

( nik / rou )

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Portal Tokobagus Ditinggal Dua Pendirinya

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Arno dan RemcoJakarta - Tokobagus.com mengumumkan perubahan manajemen puncak perusahaan. Arnold Sebastian Egg (Arno) dan Remco Lupker sebagai duet pendiri situs e-commerce itu memutuskan pergi meninggalkan perusahaan yang dibangunnya sejak 2005 untuk mencari peluang baru.

"Kami telah menghabiskan waktu yang terbaik dan pengalaman yang terbaik dalam hidup kami selama ini dengan Tokobagus. Begitu bangganya kami dengan tim yang ada dan terhadap apa yang telah mereka capai sehingga membuat keputusan ini sulit bagi kami berdua," kata Arno dan Remco dalam keterangannya pada detikINET, Rabu (15/8/2012).

"Tapi memulai hal-hal baru sudah mendarah daging dalam diri kami dan merasa sudah saatnya bagi kami untuk menjelajahi petualangan baru. Kami sangat yakin dan dengan kepercayaan diri bahwa semua dapat berjalan dengan sangat baik, Tokobagus belum pernah berada dalam keadaan sebaik ini sebelumnya.

"Kami yakin sepenuhnya bahwa dengan Michal sebagai Direktur bersama dengan tim, maka Tokobagus.com akan berada di tangan yang tepat dan akan dibawa ke tingkat yang lebih sukses berikutnya," tutur Arno dan Remco.

Michal Klar, yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Direktur di Tokobagus.com sejak awal 2011, akan tetap berperan dan akan terus menjalankan bisnis ini. Di mana sekarang tentunya dengan tanggung jawab penuh atas semua area operasional.

Michal sendiri telah bekerja di industri internet di Asia Tenggara, termasuk Indonesia, selama dua tahun terakhir ini. Sebelumnya, sebagai bagian dari tim top eksekutif Allegro Group, ia bertanggung jawab untuk meluncurkan dan menjalankan banyak platform e-commerce di pasar negara berkembang di Eropa Timur dan Rusia.

"Saya merasa sangat terhormat untuk memimpin tim Tokobagus.com dan menjalankan bisnis ini. Arno dan Remco telah melakukan pekerjaan yang luar biasa besar mulai dari bawah sampai mencapai posisi nomor satu dan teratas platform e-commerce di Indonesia," kata Michal.

"Kami memiliki orang-orang terbaik di industri ini yang bekerja untuk Tokobagus.com. Mereka tidak pernah berhenti membangun produk yang hebat bagi pengguna kami. Bersama-sama dengan tim, saya akan melanjutkan bisnis Tokobagus.com dan membuatnya terus bertumbuh dan memberikan kemudahan luar biasa bagi jutaan orang Indonesia dalam melakukan jual beli secara online," pungkasnya, optimistis.

( rou / rou )

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10 Mobile Console ' crazy ' in the future

Jakarta – technological innovation in the smartphone seems to never stop. Today, smartphones are very sophisticated, where top class products already have a quad core processor, the screen is very clear and so on.

In the future, the smartphone will be more sophisticated again. For example, the screen could be bent leg. Currently, mobile phone prototype flexible indeed already developed.

Some designers also try to estimate what kind of form of smartphones in the future. Here are a few futuristic cellphone concept that looked pretty crazy, as quoted from PCWorld detikINET .

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Kominfo: Pelaku SMS Cabul Dibui, Bagus untuk Pelajaran

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Ilustrasi (hasan/detikfoto)Jakarta - Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo) mendukung langkah Mahkamah Agung (MA) yang menghukum pelaku pengirim SMS cabul dengan hukuman 5 bulan penjara. Hal itu dianggap sebagai pelajaran yang pas.

Gatot S. Dewa Broto, Kepala Humas dan Pusat Informasi Kementerian Kominfo mengatakan, pada intinya Kominfo tidak ingin menginterfensi keputusan yang sudah dibuat aparat penegak hukum. Termasuk dalam kasus SMS mesum yang menjerat Saiful Dian Effendi seorang mahasiswa di Madiun, Jawa Timur itu menggunakan pasal 27 ayat 1 UU Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE).

"Penggunaan UU ITE di kasus tersebut sah-sah saja, karena memang dijelaskan. Jadi saya kira sudah cukup tepat dan ini bisa menjadi pelajaran bagi kita semua," ujarnya kepada detikINET, Kamis (16/8/2012).

Pun demikian, Gatot menegaskan jika untuk urusan lalu lintas SMS, sulit rasanya untuk membebankan pemantauan konten kepada operator telekomunikasi.

"Kalau operator dituntut untuk memelototi SMS itu mana tahan. Selain itu juga akan berbenturan dengan UU Hak Asasi Manusia," imbuhnya.

"Terlebih kalau lebaran ini, ada miliaran SMS yang lalu lalang. Jadi Kominfo pun tidak bisa meminta operator untuk memonitor konten SMS setiap saat. Itu malah akan melanggar HAM," Gatot menegaskan.

Untuk kasus yang menjerat Saiful Dian Effendi sendiri bermula saat pelaku mengirimkan SMS berisi perkataan porno kepada beberapa nomor di ponselnya pada awal 2011.

Semua yang dia kirimi adalah perempuan, salah satunya Adelian Ayu Septiana. Isi SMS seronok tersebut membuat Adel merasa risih dan dilecehkan. Apalagi SMS dikirim berkali-kali. Adel pun melaporkan hal ini ke polisi.

PN Madiun dan Pengadilan tinggi Surabaya menghukum Saiful dengan hukuman percobaan. Namun putusan ini dianulir MA dengan menghukum 5 bulan penjara bagi Saiful. Putusan ini dibuat pada 9 Agustus 2010 lalu ini diketok oleh ketua majelis Djoko Sarwoko dengan hakim anggota Komariah Emong Sapardjaja dan Surya Jaya. Kasus ini menjadi kasus SMS cabul pertama yang masuk MA dan dipidana.

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Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

Sederet Aplikasi Asyik Pendamping Mudik

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Jakarta - Mudik sudah menjadi ritual tahunan warga Jakarta menjelang perayaan Idul Fitri. Banyak masyarakat ibukota berbondong-bondong kembali ke daerah asal untuk merayakan hari besar tersebut bersama keluarga.

Namun bukan rahasia lagi jika mudik terkadang terasa amat melelahkan, terutama karena kondisi jalan yang macet atau perubahan cuaca yang sulit diprediksi.

Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut, ada banyak aplikasi smartphone yang bisa dilirik. Berikut di antaranya yang menurut detikINET cukup asyik dijadikan pendamping mudik.

Next page :

'10 Juta Unit Galaxy Note Laris Terjual'

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Samsung Galaxy Note (Ist)Amerika Serikat - Sementara Galaxy Note 10.1 baru saja diluncurkan dan gencar dipromosikan, Samsung juga dengan bangga mengumumkan pencapaian terbarunya, kesuksesan penjualan Galaxy Note versi pertama.

"10 juta unit Galaxy Note laris terjual secara global, dalam sembilan bulan sejak diluncurkan," klaim Samsung seperti dikutip detikINET dari TechRadar, Kamis (16/8/2012).

Perangkat yang kerap disebut sebagai 'phablet' alias phone tablet, ini rupanya menemukan penggemarnya, yakni mereka yang memang menyukai perpaduan antara smartphone dan tablet mini dengan layar 5,3 inch dan dilengkapi stylus.

Kesuksesan ini tentunya kian menambah kepercayaan diri Samsung melakukan penetrasi jenis produk ini. Berbeda dengan Galaxy Note versi pertama, penerusnya Galaxy Note 10.1 sepertinya kembali ke model tablet tradisional yang memiliki layar lebih besar.

Galaxy Note 10.1 mengombinasikan elemen dan internal Galaxy SIII dengan tambahan stylus S-pen untuk kemudahan input. Perangkat ini dibekali prosesor quad-core 1.4GHz dan RAM 2GB untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan membuat multi-tasking menjadi lebih cepat.

Galaxy Note 10.1 tersedia di Korea, Jerman, AS dan di Inggris secara bertahap dan akan diluncurkan ke pasar global lain mulai Agustus.

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Pendiri Twitter Buat Situs Blogging

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Evan Williams dan Biz Stone (Guardian)San Francisco - Ada banyak cara menuangkan dan membagi tulisan atau foto secara online. Para pendiri Twitter memperkaya pilihan platform blogging dengan mengembangkan Medium.

Medium diklaim sebagai tool blogging alternatif bagi mereka yang merasa dibatasi oleh Twitter, juga kewalahan jika menggunakan Blogger atau Tumblr.

Saat ini, Medium baru sebatas preview mode dan masih akan terus dikembangkan. Proyek ini menarik perhatian mengingat ada dua nama terpandang di baliknya, yakni pendiri Twitter Evan Williams dan Biz Stone.

Dikutip detikINET dari CNN, Kamis (16/8/2012), Medium adalah produk terbaru dari Obvious Corporation. Duo pendiri Twitter ini memiliki visi besar untuk urusan blogging tool.

"Kami mewujudkan lagi publishing dalam upaya membuat sesuatu yang revolusioner, berdasarkan segala sesuatu yang kami pelajari dalam 13 tahun terakhir dan kebutuhan pengguna," kata Williams.

Desain Medium tampak seperti Tumblr atau tema WordPress minimalis. Adapun postingan konten bisa berupa foto berukuran besar, tulisan, atau kombinasi keduanya.

Konten ini nantinya akan diatur dalam koleksi seperti Pinterest dan bisa ditampilkan sesuai popularitasnya berdasarkan hasil voting komunitas misalnya, seperti situs Reddit dan Digg.

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Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Gita Wirjawan Pastikan Pabrik iPhone Dibangun di Cikande

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Pekerja Foxconn (Ist)Jakarta - Menteri Perdagangan Gita Wirjawan menjamin perusahaan teknologi asal Taiwan, Foxconn Technology Group siap berinvestasi di Indonesia. Foxconn positif akan membangun pabrik tahap I di Cikande, Serang, Banten di akhir tahun ini.

"Pasti, kecuali nanti beritanya negatif," ungkap Gita di DPR Jakarta, Kamis (16/8/2012).

Gita mengatakan, untuk pembangunan tahap pertama, Foxconn akan memproduksi membuat 3 juta handset atau smart phone (telepon selular).

"Fase pertamnya itu kecil, hanya pembangunan 3 juta handset, berikutnya 10 juta handset dan lain-lainnya banyak sekali," sebutnya.

Pada kesempatan itu, mantan Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) ini mengaku, akan ada pembangunan pabrik Foxconn untuk tahap selanjutnya di 6 korodor ekonomi Indonesia.

"Di China mereka bangun 33 pabrik, di Indonesia dia memikirkan untuk 6 koridor untuk masing-masing koridor itu bisa satu atau lebih pabriknya," tutupnya.

Seperti diketahui, Foxconn Technology Group adalah perusahaan manufaktur yang berasal dari Taiwan yang memproduksi komponen-komponen elektronik untuk beberapa merek terkenal seperti Apple dan Nokia.

ModernCikande Industrial Estate (MCIE) menjadi calon kuat lokasi pembangunan pabrik Foxconn. Hari ini rencananya pihak Foxconn akan memutuskan apakah lokasi tersebut menjadi lokasi pabrik mereka.

Foxconn akan menggunakan lahan 5.000 meter persegi untuk pabrik perakitan HP mereka. Foxconn akan membeli pabrik dengan luas 4000 meter yang rencananya akan direnovasi di kawasan ModernCikande Industrial Estate.

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Samsung Balik Tuduh Apple Menjiplak

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Ilustrasi (Ist.)Jakarta - Samsung mulai membela diri dalam perkara hukumnya di pengadilan California melawan Apple. Vendor asal Korea Selatan itu menolak dituding telah menjiplak desain Apple. Mereka pun balik menuduh Apple melanggar paten.

Samsung menyatakan desain smartphone dan tabletnya sama sekali tidak terinspirasi atau meniru iPhone dan iPad. Namun berdasarkan berbagai produk dan paten milik Samsung sendiri.

Apple memang memperkarakan Samsung terkait peniruan desain. Apple menilai beberapa ponsel Galaxy menjiplak bentuk maupun antar muka produk Apple.

Pakar software yang bertindak sebagai saksi Samsung, Clifton Forlines, menyatakan teknologi kunci yang dipakai di perangkat mobile sudah ada sejak dahulu sebelum ada iPhone dan iPad. Misalnya layar sentuh, zoom dan memindahkan ikon di layar.

Tidak sekadar membela diri, Samsung juga menuduh balik Apple telah meniru dan memakai patennya. Woodyard Yang selaku profesor Harvard University menguatkan bahwa Apple melanggar tiga paten Samsung di iPhone.

Paten dimaksud terkait fitur bookmarking foto, mengirim email dengan sebuah foto dan fitur memainkan musik di background sementara pengguna mengakses menu yang lain. Samsung mengklaim sudah mematenkannya sebelum kehadiran iPhone generasi pertama pada tahun 2007.

Saksi Samsung yang lain adalah Italy Sherman, pendiri sebuah perusahaan konsultasi IT. Dia menunjukkan tablet Hewlett Packard TC1000 yang dirilis tahun 2002, jauh sebelum kedatangan iPad. Ia menyatakan desain tablet itu hampir identik dengan iPad.

Sherman menyatakan desain seperti sudut-sudut yang melengkung di tablet adalah hal yang mendasar dan fungsional sehingga Apple sebenarnya tidak berhak mematenkannya. Demikian seperti dilansir eWeek dan dikutip detikINET. Kamis (16/8/2012).

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10 mobile phone Concept ' crazy ' in the future

Jakarta – technological innovation in the smartphone seems to never stop. Today, smartphones are very sophisticated, where top class products already have a quad core processor, the screen is very clear and so on.

In the future, the smartphone will be more sophisticated again. For example, the screen could be bent leg. Currently, mobile phone prototype flexible indeed already developed.

Some designers also try to estimate what kind of form of smartphones in the future. Here are a few futuristic cellphone concept that looked pretty crazy, as quoted from PCWorld detikINET .

Next page:

Email on the BlackBerry Jammed

BlackBerry Onyx (ash/inet)Jakarta -BlackBerry push email service reported in troubled Central Indonesia. A number of mobile phone users and Research In Motion's email traffic flow in the complaining gadgetnya jammed.

Deni, one BlackBerry user last confesses to receive mail on a BlackBerry Onyxnya at 12.45 pm. Whereas if it is checked on the PC, incoming emails are quite a lot.

"Email is actually a lot of that goes, but not sticking, whereas BBM on a BlackBerry can" he said to detikINET, Tuesday (17/8/2012).

Similar complaints were also experienced by Kris. He was curious to see some status of BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) friends who complained mampetnya email at BlackBerrynya supply device.

So he then tried sending an email via a mobile phone that is identical to the qwerty Board. "It turns out after a try can not. Nowhere to be sent and received, failed mulu. Whereas full 3 g signals and noted, "tukasnya.

Similarly happens on Twitter, when news was written there has been a number of BlackBerry users who mengicaukan the same complaint.

Reports coming into the table editor detikINET says that the problem of BlackBerry email service tersendatnya this happened to some services operator. So it's not just a single operator.

RIM does not give official confirmation about this issue. But similar incidents have been occurring in March 2012.

Then, push email BlackBerry having trouble since morning and also occurs in Singapore and Malaysia. Later known, there is a problem on the network Research In Motion (RIM).


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Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

A Virus Thieves Bank Accounts Make Kaspersky Overwhelmed

Jakarta -Kaspersky Anti-virus Manufacturers claiming to solve the central lines of code that were overwhelmed in Gauss, a virus of malware designed to steal bank customer identities.

Gauss detected Virus some time ago as being loose in Iran. Malware is still suspected of Stuxnet, Duqu and Flame has a specific purpose, namely to steal customers ' bank data.

The Target that has hounded the virus is very specific, targeting customers in the bank's Approach of Lebanon, as well as a Citibank checking account and PayPal. The Virus was also stealing browser history, cookies, passwords, and system configuration.

Kaspersky is indeed already dissected portion of code in it. The code is known to be closely related to the virus Stuxnet, Duqu and Flame. Yet there are still millions of other codes that are still unresolved and publicised in the official blog of Kaspersky.

Existing code in the paved virus indeed usual anti-virus manufacturers do to the characteristics of these malicious programs. Information obtained could also be used to create penangkalnya.

As quoted from zdnet detikINET , Tuesday (17/8/2012), Kaspersky enlisted the help of anyone who could crack the code.

Kaspesky these plans a step that is still encrypted code is not the first time done. It also manufacturers from Russia ever make a similar step when created by virus Duqu dizzy.


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RIM BlackBerry Email, Do The Investigation Bogged Down

Illustration (Ist)Jakarta -associated with a number of customer service email macetnya BlackBerry, Research in Motion (RIM) straight piped. They admitted today there are constraints on the network, which also imposes to users in the Asia Pacific region.

"We're currently experiencing issues in our special services have an impact on some users in the Asia Pacific region," call the RIM Indonesia to detikINET, Tuesday (17/8/2012).

As known, since during the last some BlackBerry users in Indonesia claimed their email push service stopped accepting messages, whereas email browser version could be accepted.

Although the email service interruption experienced since at about 12.45 PM, services such as BlackBerry Messenger BlackBerry still function properly and smoothly.

"All the team handling related was working to resolve the issue. We apologize to those customers who may be affected by this issue, "demolished the RIM.

Added RIM'S PR Manager Indonesia Yolanda Nainggolan, some users are having trouble is that customers enable the BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS), whereas customers BlackBerry Enterprise Service (BES) experienced no interference. Currently, BlackBerry email services seem to have continuing to recover.


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Which is safer: Linux, Windows or OS X?

Illustration ofJakarta -Whether to use open source (Linux) means more secure from viruses than proprietary (Windows) that's been so popular?

Answer: [Vaksincom]

Currently, users of Linux is more secure than Windows users due to viruses in Windows much more than Linux virus which is still very little.

But if I may give you a little overview of our basic principles of mengeai securities. Basically all the software that bring the man-made nature of its creator (man) which is NOT PERFECT and always has kelmahan, this is called a security vulnerability (vulnerability) and keanaman who would slit can be exploited by malicious codes for mengekploitasi OS.

To this day no one OS which has no security gaps and every day always found new security gaps, so the actual statement that more aptly describes this problem is ' the question is not which applications safe from viruses are criminals motivated teteapi to mengekploitasi the application '.

With references, you can see 3 links below:

1. Mac initially did not get a virus attack, but due to the popularity of a significant number of users reached causing the virus makers are starting to mengincaar Mac and Apple inevitably renouncing that Mac could not be virus infected PC. Do Macs Get Viruses? Appple Removes Boast That OS X ' Doesnt't Get PC Viruses '

2. in addition to the virus which infects about Flashback 10% population of Mac and Android OS which in fact is a Open Source OS and even experience growth of malware (malicious softwar) evil 300%, much higher than Windows malware. Despite the number of still far fewer than the Windows malware. Q2 2012: Flashback infects 10% of Macs, Android malware up 300%

3. an article about the myth that linux is immune to the virus. Myth Busting: Linux Is Immune to Viruses?

(jsn/ash) Alfons Tanujaya Alfons Tanujaya former banker who pioneered the career in the world of IT since 1998, 2000 founded PT. Vaksincom and actively dedicate time to provide information and education about malware and security for the IT community through Indonesia mailing list vaksin@yahoogroups.com. Alfons has also become an active resource for the national media and writing articles on security and malware IT media in Indonesia leading up to this point. This culinary enthusiasts can be reached at alfons@vaksin.com, Facebook and Twitter @ alfonstan.

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Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

Email Not Just Stuck on BlackBerry Indonesia

Illustration (Ist)Jakarta -Macetnya email service on a BlackBerry, it might not just be felt by users in Indonesia. Cause interference on the mail server, it also overrides the regional Asia-Pacific.

Articulated Head of Corporate Communication Axis Telecom Indonesia, Anita Avianty. Recognized by him, Axis also got swept up in the macetnya products and services by email at Research in Motion (RIM).

"We've been able to confirm, the problem is on the RIM. The Region of impact: the Asia Pacific, "he explained while talking with detikINET via instant messaging communication, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

PR Manager RIM Indonesia, Yolanda, also recognizes the existence of Nainggolan complaints about macetnya email service on a BlackBerry. He was also central to check problems occurred because not all email services on BlackBerry having trouble.

"Still we check what the problem is. As far as I feel the service email and BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) there is no problem. It all works quite well, "he explained.

Head of Corporate Communication, Indosat, Adrian Prasanto, also stated there was no problem with the email service on a BlackBerry Indosat. "Everything is still smooth and safe-safe," he said.

While Dedi Suherman, Head of Core Network Operation Support Division, admitted there were Telkomsel problem in mail server RIM but now fade back to normal.

"Now it is not jammed. But at peak hours are often a problem, there is a capacity issue on servers that are in the process of upgrading, "pungkasnya.


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Marissa Mayer: Cashier who is now So Beautiful Yahoo Boss

Jakarta -Marissa Mayer is one of the most popular women in technology visible. Currently, he serves as the CEO of Yahoo after previous unfortunate transverse as a top executive at Google.

Supported by the charming parasnya, Marissa became quickly popular and respected. What's more, he did have the capability and versatility so that arrangement catapults our effective position.

Following the journey of life women who are pregnant is that might be inspiring, as quoted detikINET from different sources.

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Kodak Announce Results Of Patent Sale Delay

Kodak (Ist)United States -Eastman Kodak decided to delay the announcement of the results of the sale of his patent shortly before announcement of the schedule should be pre-planned. What is the reason?

Legends in photography industry is saying, extend the time limit for the sake of continuing the process of bargaining discussions with a number of bidders. However Kodak does not explain more details, only saying the digelarnya are patent auction complex and dynamic.

Kodak hopes to previous elections caused USD 2.6 billion from selling his patent portfolio. But the offer came reportedly lower below the target. Some reports even mention, kisarannya only USD 500 million.

Last month, as reported by the Cellular-news, Wednesday (15/8/2012), Google and Apple shocked the public by being the leading ranks of the bidder. Both were competing buy approximately 1,100 patents owned by Kodak.

Apple reportedly teamed up with Microsoft and a group of patent licenses Intellectual Ventures Management. While Google is embracing Samsung, HTC, LG and patent licensing group RPX Corp. in this offer.

This patent sales alone are divided into two blocks. The first includes a number of patents relating to the techniques of image processing, while others contain all patent covering mobile technology. The second block, analysts judged to be the most preferred the bidder.


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2 phones BlackBerry 10 Slide Master as early as 2013

BlackBerry (inet)United States – Research In Motion (RIM) is rumored to release two phones BlackBerry-10 beginning in 2013 at a later date. This is a preliminary step before they introduce the other variants.

Both BlackBerry handsets to be introduced that one of them is a version of the touch screen, and then the other one still maintains a physical qwerty keyboard.

When talk radio with the Wall Street Journal quoted detikINET, Tuesday (17/8/2012), RIM CEO Thorsten Heins optimistic both his new device it is their initial weapons stormed the Android.

Two models to be launched as early as 2013 later that only a portion of the 10 BlackBerry handsets are already scheduled, 10 even some of these are being tested before kelayakannya thrown into the market.

BlackBerry would be indeed 10 digadang-gadang a revolutionary operating system for BlackBerry. Not only display interfaces are dipercantik, this system also claimed a number of features including carrying anyar gossip the existence of digital assistants like Siri.


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Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Analysts: Samsung Lancarkan Style ' Broom's Interest '

Jakarta -when you call one of the most successful electronics company currently, surely the name Samsung could not be released. In the second quarter of 2012, Samsung posted a profit of EUR 42,2 billion.

Certainly very interesting if menelisik how do I get Samsung merengkuh success. According to analyst Don Reisinger from Fortune, success tips in contrast to competitors that the Samsung focus to a single corridor be selling anything.

Reisinger exposes, Samsung, home consumers began to sweep from mobile phones, tablets, televisions, washing machines, cameras and other products. All product lines are also present to midsize segment to premium class. Everything is available.

"The end of 2011, Samsung became the number one TV manufacturer in the world with 22.5% of the market. mastering This is not counting the mastery of other markets controlled by Samsung, "Reisinger, like shot detikINET quotation from the Business Insider, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

The focus of the business is done Samsung is of course different from its competitors, for example Apple's premium segment, sweep Microsoft build platform for business and Google more focus to data users.

With business schemes ' broom ' run jagat Samsung, South Korea from vendors that can integrate between products. For example, a tablet that is connected to the TV, so change the channel and streaming are attached.

Integration is another camera with blu-ray player, where users could show results faster with image snapshots to friends.


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Bada Faster Than Growing Windows Phone

Samsung Bada (Ist)United States -Bada, operating system (OS) and Samsung turns quietly washed away. The growth of this OS earlier than Windows Phone that vigorous attempts to penetrate Central.

Quoted TechRadar, Wednesday (15/8/2012), currently owned by Microsoft platform has a market share equivalent to OS Bada. The latest Data research firm Gartner says, Windows phones and Bada are equally occupied portion of 2.7 percent of the total market share of global mobile OS.

The number to be embedded is not too far from the market share of Research In Motion (RIM) at 5.2 percent. While the BlackBerry is pembesut decreased 6.5 percent, Bada experience increased 1.9 percent while Windows Phone up 1.6 percent compared to the same quarter last year.

Windows Phone Microsoft sold more of 4,087 million handsets during the quarter two 2012. Nokia, which is currently the nearest partner for Windows Phone Microsoft report, shipping 4 million handsets in the quarter the same Lumia.

However, Microsoft may still feel lucky. This software giant could benefit elections caused ' side ' of his patent license to Android handset makers.


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Hallmark Health of person Hobbies Surf

Jakarta – things that looks like a paltry selection of clothing, hairstyle and said the word one can reflect his personality.

Not only that, it can describe the custom tsunami mental health of a person.

People who are at risk of experiencing mental disorders have certain characteristic while online including:

1. The person who likes to spend a lot of time to stay up for playing poker with big bets on the internet, then it is likely he likes to take risks.

2. If you like to post a video on YouTube and berkaraoke, then obviously he is a very extroverted.

Recently, a study conducted by a team of computer scientists, engineers and psychologists point out that someone can predict the online habits of his inclination to experience depression.

To specify a custom tsunami, researchers see 3 categories, i.e. the aggregate to show how much information is being sent and received over the network, the application to indicate the category of programs that are used to indicate the level of entropy and randomness in the flow of information.

The researchers do not know what is being viewed on the website for participants only see how use of the Internet. Search the data in the study is not intended to provide specific information about what websites you've visited, the content of emails and chats, or types of files that are downloaded.

"The Data only shows the extent to which participants use the categories in the study as well as differences in the tendency to access many sites at once," said researcher as reported by Live Science quoted detiKINET, and Wednesday (15/8/2012).

As a result, internet usage patterns associated with depression tendencies found in:

1. people who do a lot of file-sharing, it is very like to chat and send emails and tend to switch between multiple sites quickly showed a tendency to experience symptoms of depression.

2. quick switch between websites can reflect a decrease in the ability of anhedonia, i.e. to experience emotions. The reason is because people are desperate tend to seek out emotional stimulation.

3. Send email and chat also indicates excessive lack of face-to-face interaction, such as in people who are trying to maintain a relationship with a distant friend or person known online.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that about 10 percent of adults in the United States currently suffer with clinical depression symptoms of eating disorders, sleep disorders and concentration, decreased interest in activities everyday and always feel like a failure.


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Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

7 Gadgets Pamungkas at the end of 2012

Jakarta -The electronic device manufacturers as products purposely withhold their latest until the end of 2012. Starting from Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, to Nintendo.

Indeed, throughout the year 2012 has been running this, there have been many new gadgets that will present the dirumorkan between the electronics giant.

Some information is already officially out of the device makers, such as Microsoft and Nintendo. However some of these are still limited to rumors. Yes, you may have guessed, the product is still mysterious Apple output.

Even so, the gadgets were believed to be present with new technologies and features. Inevitably, they are so highly anticipated his presence, though consumers still have to wait until the end of 2012 and potentially make the bag broke.

Here are a few gadgets such as reported by pamungkas is Business Insider:

Next page:

Ada Game 'Angry Bird' Ala Jokowi

Jakarta — though not yet officially launched, game "save Jakarta" with Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has been played tens of thousands of times in cyberspace. Game adaptation of Angry Bird is one of the new innovations for personal branding Jokowi in the second round of Elections JAWA.

"Within a short since Saturday (18/8/2012) and, until now, this game is already more than 50,000 times dipermainkan," said Budi Purnomo Karjodihardjo &, Coordinator of Communications Media Center, the campaign Team-Jokowi, such as the release of Basuki accepted detikINET, Tuesday (17/8/2012).

Budi Purnomo targeting, at least until the elections the second round games will be played later on more than 1 million times by netizen Indonesia. "We are not launching it, already played more than 50,000 times, let alone the next time dilaunching already," said Budi proud.

In the meantime, the originator of this game Juwanda told that the netizen can access this game through facebook (apps.facebook.com/selamatkanjakarta) or PC (www.metric-design.com/game.swf). For this beta version there are 30 levels of play, and it will be added again once the official launching, the production was dilaunching directly by Jokowi.

"This Game is very easy to play because it is adapted from a hugely popular game Angry Bird with a variety of modifications to the style of play," he said.

Swashbuckling character in this game is Jokowi, which has the mission to save Jakarta from Mast-Mast problems existing during these Jakarta as unscrupulous officials, entrepreneurs: black, criminal offender and trash symbolizes untidiness and poverty.

To clean up the problem Jokowi could use existing weapons such as tomato, Rocket and Bomb of TNT. But remember not to Jokowi citizens who took part in destroying the ' good ' that become friends in this game Jokowi.

According to the release, this is a message of hope and indirectly to Mr. Jokowi don't get when Governor take policies that hurt their citizens.

Regarding the purpose of the creation of this game on its own, Juwanda explains that this is a form of contribution for Jokowi-& support for positive change for Basuki Jakarta and Indonesia.

"In addition we also convey to the public that the political education can be done in a way that is fun to play games," he said.


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It is the location of the factory in Cikande Foxconn

Banten -ModernCikande Industrial Estate (MCIE) became a strong candidate location for the construction of factory Foxconn Technology Group (Foxconn). Today's plan is the Foxconn will decide whether these locations became the location of their factories.

"Today was decided, if there is no change," said Minister of industry MS Hidayat to detikINET, Tuesday (17/8/2012)

Explain to the early stages of Hidayat Foxconn will use 5,000 square meters of land for mobile assembly plant (HP). They will buy a factory with an area of 4000 meters and the production was renovated in the ModernCikande Industrial Estate

"For early stage in December (2012) will assemble 3 million HP as an early stage. Grounbreaking next July 2013, after which their products in addition to HP's iPad diversify, smartphone, smart tv, "he said.

Hidayat added, he set up another alternative for Foxconn to their factory location. Based on the experience of the factory in China at least Foxconn they need up to 3000 hectares of land.

"We are also prepared in East Java and Central Java, given their investments in China of 20 provinces, luasanya up to 3,000 hectares," he said.

Modern Group founded the Modern industrial zones Cikande (MCIE) in early 1991. Modern industrial zones located strategically in Cikande, Serang, Banten Cikande approximately 68 km from Jakarta, 75 km from the port of Tanjung Priok and 50 km from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.

MCIE accessible via Jakarta-Merak toll road and then out through the toll booth Basins. Port of Bojonegara which is close to the area and will become a Centre for goods transport-export business in Indonesia is in the process of planning.

MCIE inhabited by more than 160 companies both locally and overseas. MCIE is for various types of residential industry include the chemical industry, food processing, automotive components, components, and much more.


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Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

Hospitality in the Twitter Community ala # SrudukFollow

Illustration (Ist.)Jakarta -Ngetwit can bring in hospitality? Or just a lot-before the cam? For # SrudukFollow, the Community's first choice. Who are they? Why the name # SrudukFollow? Let's try a search.

For those of you who are active on Twitter, maybe had a few times see tagar # SrudukFollow, either in the timeline or Twitter user bio. What the hell is the point of # SrudukFollow?

This community was originally formed from the twitland done silaturrahim by some people (@ jayteroris, @ keep_on_rockin, @ ekabees, @ ek4kurniawan, @ senyumryan and some others) on 1 Shawwal last year.

This community also has been pushed since the phenomenon of celebrity tweet love-follow without folback. # SrudukFollow have designed dobrak Twitterland traditions for the ' follow ' so ' follow each other '.

@ srudukfollow happy to stay in touch, otherwise follow each other and folback because they believe every human being must have had an excess of friendship that continues from the virtual world continues to expand in real life by doing kopdar and do social action.

If you asked anyone organizing this community, somewhat difficult. Because according to Bambang Pujiatmoko aka @ Keep_On_Rockin, # Srudukfollow no its administrator.

"But there is a manage based on kerelawanan. Current Account @ digawangi by @ SrudukFollow Keep_On_Rockin (Bambang Pujiatmoko), @ jayterois (Zainal Abidin), @ DJ_AMALL (Jamaludin Mohamad) and @ senoaji12 (AjiPurnawanto). As for offline activities coordinated and carried out together by # SahabatSrudukfollow more, "explained Bambang.

# Srudukers

To become a member of the community of SrudukFollow, there is no # for certain criteria, for want of mutuality and ready to share can join and without coercion. Not necessarily a promotion business SMES also via Twitter.

However, according to Bambang, indirectly, this community imposes increasing transaction of buying and selling between community members. This is because the intensity of the interaction that makes knowing the products/services sold, created an emotional attachment, awakened a sense of trust so that the transaction of buying and selling.

In fact the main purpose of Srudukfollow is to change social behaviour especially # friendship and Equality and therefore upholds the # # YukSetara # and # SalingMembesarkan share.

In accordance with the concept of hospitality which when implemented in twitterland as follow each other, mutual touch, share knowledge, because we have no principles, "everyone is a teacher, every school and every place is as is learning".

"Expected from each other follow (giving and receiving), sapa, know each other reprimanded, would continue to evolve into a friendship and camaraderie was even able to get to business cooperation. We can also learn each other (# Salingberbagi) as members of the SrudukFollow consisting of various age, educational background, profession and expertise. So later expected # SahabatSrudukFollow can donate real contribution to this country through equality, friendship, and share, "explained Bambang.

For Srudukfollow the number of follower is not so important but more important is the friendship between srudukers. Current account @ memfollow Srudukfollow there's account, which gives 7.640 data, IP addresses to link provided there were 1,106 people using # Srudukfollow on Bio twitternya 2238 people.

As the development community on the initiative # Srudukfollow, SahabatSrudukfollow is making accounts that support the activities of the affiliates that SME businesses.

Of which the account @ Srudukiklan, accounts that advertise products from members of the community, your account @ Srudukpreneur, for Srudukfollow members interested in the entrepreneurial world/dabbling is also an entertaining account like @ SrudukPantun, and @ PolisiSruduk account # Srudukers in supervising the behavior of the Timeline.

Ground Coffee

Other developments of the twitter community, there are currently Srudukfollow some group in your BlackBerry, Srudukfollow and WhattsApp LINE. In the Group's discussions, brainstorming, sharing more intensive is done.

More than just Twitter in Twitter, this community has also held a number of events in the real world. Call it tree planting Action in the area, and Pasangrahan Time, Action # tanamsatupohon in the area, as well as Alms Duck Depok to Orphans & disadvantaged children.

They were also active enough hold event partner media Competition @ GreenPChallenge "Switch Your Business Into Green!" Business Competition Project by @ unescoyouthdesk. And will roll out an event in September 2012, later held by Jakarta State Polytechnic Student Cooperatives, namely Enterpreneurship is My Lifestyle, Jakarta State Polytechnic.

Ground coffee is often done in several cities on the initiative # Srudukers. # Srudukers Jakarta already several times also Srudukers Surabaya kopdar # dsk, Jogja etc. As in Ramadaan there is some # bukbersSrudukers made in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Solo etc. Srudukers Bali will do after Idul Fitri.

Interested in joining? Please search anyone in her Twitter bio there is # SrudukFollow and tagar, difollow, and they will do You folbeck. The deal, you also have to memfolbek all accounts already follow You. Exciting isn't it?

Arli Aditya ParikesitAbout the author: Arli Aditya Parikshit, m. Si is a Doctoral candidate in the field of Bioinformatics at the University of Leipzig, Germany; Researcher at the Department of chemistry of the UI; Managing Editor Netsains.com; and coordinator of the Media/Publication NU Germany. He can be contacted via the account @ arli_ap on twitter, on facebook, https://www.facebook.com/arli.parikesit and www.gplus.to/arli on google +.

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Latest SimCity coming soon for Mac

SimCity (Ist)United States -can't wait to play the latest SimCity? Electronic Arts (EA) on the 2003 Gamescom 2012 mentions will soon be releasing an updated version of avatar game for Mac and Windows computers catch up later.

Version for Mac will be available through the distribution service EA, Origin. EA as reported by TechRadar, Wednesday (15/8/2012) promising SimCity on Mac will display gaming experience that is rich and deep.

Games between platforms can also be done in between the Mac version and the Windows. Estimated March 2013, the latest SimCity for Mac or PC is already available.

EA realized, multiplayer play an important role in the latest SimCity. Each contributes to the global economy in the game that will have an impact on all players.

For later versions of Windows, EA will first offer the beta version. Interested users can sign up to get the chance to play and give feedback before the game shipped next year.


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Apple-Microsoft Promises Not To Sue Each Other

iPhone Windows Phone & (electricpig)California, USA -Apple and Microsoft apparently have a secret agreement. That is they will not sue each other patent-related smartphone. It was revealed in court hearings in California in the case of Apple against Samsung.

Boris Teskler as Apple Patent Chief says that Apple and Microsoft establish cross-license their technology. However Apple enforces the terms ' anti ' in order for Windows Phone cloning and Microsoft does not mimic the iPhone.

Operating system Microsoft Windows Phone designed different from iOS. Teskler've tried approaching Apple stated Samsung to do the same deal in 2010, but their negotiations failed.

Teskler explained that Apple does offer a few patents for licensed. Yet special patents related to the iPhone and iPad design are strictly protected in order not to emulate others. As a result, Apple was suing some of its products are rated the Samsung mimic.

As quoted from the Telegraph detikINET , Tuesday (17/8/2012), Apple quarter results point out that sales of smartphones and tablet Samsung in United States $ 11.7 billion in retrieved from a marketing device that mimics the iPhone and iPad.

After Apple filed evidence and witnesses linked to support the lawsuit, now turn Samsung does the same thing. Court decisions in the United States in the case of Apple against Samsung's votes will be quite crucial in determining the direction of future mobile device industry.


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XL Berangkatkan 1,000 Pemudik

Xensasi Mudik Mantep XL (xl doc)Jakarta -hundreds of people have already gathered at the pool area Yea Bung Karno, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (15/8/2012). They are preparing to return to his hometown in order to go. This is the second wave of pemudik sortied by XL.

There are a Total of as many as 1,000 pemudik who follow programs ' Xensasi Mudik Mantep ' where most come from among the frontliner seller pulsa se-Jabodetabek. They departed by using buses, private vehicles, and trains.

"Every year the XL facilitate friends retailers for home villages. This Program at the same time as a form of appreciation XL to friends frotliner who had helped provide for customer service XL, "said financial director XL, Mohamed bin Ahmad Tajudin, Adlan" Wednesday (15/8/2012).

The first stage, the troupe departed pemudik Monday, August 13, 2012. While the second group who use buses and private vehicles were removed by the management ranks, among them President XL Director XL Hasnul Suhaimi, Director Marketing Joy, and financial director Wahjudi Mohamed Adlan bin Ahmad Tajudin.

Go to destinations along this route taking two PEDAL i.e. the route South towards Tasikmalaya, Banjar, Cilacap, Kebumen, Purworejo, Purwokerto, Yogyakarta, Solo, Surabaya.

While the Northern route going towards Cirebon, Tegal, Pekalongan, Pemalang, Semarang, Solo and Surabaya. To go with this, providing 14 buses for XL 660 passengers, 25 private cars for 100 passengers, and 5 train cars that can carry 240 passengers.

In addition to transport, XL also provide pocket money as well as gifts, to continue the trip until home. pemudik Don't forget, all participants are also insured to guarantee the return of their salvation to the goal.

To ensure the security and comfort, each bus is equipped with special Tracker devices called Smart Tracker. With these tools the XL as the organizer of the program and bus owners may obtain information about the movement of buses and can always monitor the presence of troupe pemudik.

In addition, Smart Tracker will also be very useful to monitor road conditions and thus the possibility of congestion on the road can get stuck diminimalisasi all at once to make sure the participants Together Mudik Xensasi survived until the goal.


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Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Pinterest is now Present in Android and iPad

(Ist)United States -Queens ' son Pinterest yesterday afternoon ' in the realm of social networking. But its growth is rapid enough to make social networking sharing photos it should widen the wings into alacrity mobile.

Android users can now browse the photos in fun pin their device. Launching applications for Android Pinterest and iPad, and update applications on iPhones Pinterest first present.

Quoted from Mashable detikINET , Tuesday (17/8/2012), applications in Android is claimed to represent Pinterest redesain complete specially designed for Android devices.

Pinterest to Android are readily available and can be downloaded at Google's Play. Likewise Pinterest to iPad and an updated version for the iPhone available at App Store.

In addition to being able to register via email address, users can also register candidate via Twitter or Facebook accounts, such as cited on Cnet, Thursday (9/8/2012).

This week, Pinterest also officially opened to the public, with the aim of boosting the number of its users with open registration. Although he himself did not publish Pinterest stastistik users, but from the reports belonging to social media marketers Tamba, unique visitor Pinterest has grown from 2 million in January to 4 million in March.


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Facebook Was Accused Of Lying About The Verified Apps

Washington, USA --Facebook accused have done lies by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Social networking was considered misleading information for developers and the public about security by lying about the application is verified or "Verified Apps".

Applications that are included in a list of Verified Apps will be given a special mark, check-mark and a nice profile in the search results. This application is also claimed as a secure application.

"The Application Verification Program is designed to offer extra assurances to help users identify applications they can trust, i.e. applications that are safe, transparent and in accordance with our policy," Facebook's claims at the time.

But the FTC in its report as detikINET quotation from TG Daily, Wednesday (15/8/2012) Verified Apps is called is just nonsense. According to the FTC, no testing of Facebook to provide such labels.

"Contrary to statements of Facebook, the social networking do not act anything before giving the label Verified Apps," the FTC report. In fact, according to the results of the investigation, the FTC, in many instances let Facebook Platform Application to display the label Verified Apps.

Verified Apps Program closed in December 2009, after six months of operation. Facebook describes this closure by reason of wanting to expand the method ' verification ' to all Facebook applications. In this program, the FTC noted there were 254 applications are verified.


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Samsung & Apple Ahold Smartphone Market

Illustration (androidauthority)Jakarta -Samsung and Apple still continues to lead the world smartphone market. While other vendors are still quite difficult to pursue both.

At least, that's what the latest research results presented, leading research firm Gartner. They reported that smartphone sales in the quarter II 2012 is 153,7 million, up 43% compared to the same period last year.

Samsung led with market share and sales 29,7% 45,6 million units of smartphones. While Apple in second place with 18.8% and sales of 11.2 million units of the iPhone. While other smartphone vendors there is nothing to achieve a market share of 10%.

"Samsung and Apple continues to dominate the smartphone market, together they have about half the market share and widened the distance from other manufacturers," refer to Anshul Gupta, Gartner Principal Research Analys.

Excerpted from ComputerWorld detikINET , Tuesday (17/8/2012), Gartner said that rapid sales smartphone Samsung, among others, triggered Galaxy S III fame. This Handset has been reportedly sold to penetrate the 10 million units.

The Smartphone itself further reap popularity. Sales of smartphones is up sales and reached 42.7% 36.7% of all handsets sold. While the rest are featured phone.


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Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012

House Steve Jobs Theft!

Steve Jobs (ist)California, USA -a number of computers and personal belongings worth more than USD 60 thousand, or about half a billion dollars, had been stolen from the home of the founder of Apple which is located in Palo Alto, California, USA.

In fact, according to Deputy District Attorney Scott Tsui from Santa Clara County, an action which takes place July 17 theft 2012 in Palo Alto this is just plain theft. But due to the theft of some popular people are home, this case is so crowded.

"I've never been as often as this call a lot of people," he admits as detikINET quotation from news.com.au, Wednesday (15/8/2012). "Besides the fact that it involves burglary at the home of Mr. Jobs, it's just plain theft case."

Shortly after breaking into the home of Steve Jobs, one volume called pencurinya McFarlin (35 years) from Alameda, California was arrested on 2 August and charged with theft in housing and selling stolen goods.

He had been jailed with bail USD 500 thousand pending the court hearing was held August 20, forthcoming. According to prosecutors, will face eight charges McFarlin years in prison if convicted. But the authorities are confident, not realizing it has break McFarlin House Jobs.

"I can imagine, the suspect finally realized that the hacker is not just simply a regular House in Palo Alto," says Tsui talks about a House that was once inhabited by co-founder of Apple Inc. before closing at number 56 years of age.

The Palo Alto in California is less secure in recent times. In the last six months in 2012 this has happened a surge in cases of burglary, more than 100 occurrences as reported to local police authorities.

Although it is the founder of Apple, Steve Jobs's House late barely different from the neighboring houses in the settlements ' simple '. Authorities suspect seven bedroom House that was targeted because it is being renovated and escape from custody. The House was empty when the Jobs are believed to be robbery occurred.


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Yahoo HashOut, Talk Show via Social Media

HashOut (cnet) YahooJakarta -Yahoo has not given up from Google. The internet giant it directly after the first settled new CEO led, Marissa Mayer, by offering a product above. One of them is # HashOut.

# HashOut said such events were done in service talkshow on social media. So Yahoo will bring a number of later famous in the event for discussing the topic of news selected.

Popular names that have been promised to appear, among others, the wife of Arnold Schwarzenegger, also a journalist, Maria Shriver, a professor from Princeton that Anne-Marie Slaughter, as well as co-creator Damon Lindelof ' Lost '.

There are also other guest stars are known as ' # HashOut ' panel, Gary Shteyngart, author of the famous Jezebel co-founder Anna Holmes, and comedian Baratunde Thurston.

Yahoo says, # HashOut will offer a new way of discussing ongoing news hits. Reported by Cnet, the service is also claimed to be the first who do show talkshow on social media.

There is no mention as to when # HashOut will start broadcasting. However it is expected to occur in late August 2012.

Later, the internet users who have registered their email alert will be given by Yahoo to tell if this will show live talkshow.


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This Man Was Imprisoned After Illegal Movie Sites So An Intermediary

Illustration (Ist)Jakarta -be careful when you give a link to a site, especially if it is related to sites that violate any laws. It is not impossible to prison will await the result of such actions.

The incident was not good that's experienced by Anton Vickerman. The origin of this man United Kingdom was forced to deal with the authorities after put the link that connects to the site film and TV programs on their personal sites are illegal address surfthechannel.com

38 year old male was indeed put up a link on its website as part of an ad. Even from that he's been getting ads USD 392 thousand since 2007.

"This case has reached a conclusion that he gave way to site visitors to illegal downloading sites. These include conspiracy and violation is serious, "said the director-general of FACT (Federation Against Copyright Theft), such as on the quotation from the Guardian, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

Vickerman is not the only one who stumbled on this issue. Alan Elis, former manager of music sharing site Oink, also experienced an almost similar.


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Home Boss ' Condemned ' Google Kim Kardashian

Illustration (gizmodo)California, USA -Eric Schmidt has a stately home which is usually rented out to wealthy couples wedding event. But later the House was deserted after enthusiasts used by Kim Kardashian.

Former CEO of Google was buying luxury homes in Montecito, California from Ellen DeGeneres of USD 20 million in 2007 ago. The House did not serve as the primary residence, but Schmidt told the couple more often lease celebrity who wanted to celebrate the wedding.

Celebrity couples who hire home Grand final for the wedding is Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries, however the couple households only survived for 72 days.

As quoted from gizmodo detikINET , Tuesday (17/8/2012), has since reported no more celebrities who rent the venue out of fear hit ' curse ' brief marriage as was the case on Kim and Kris.

Schmidt, who is currently Chairman of Google was planning Office sells the House before its value declined considerably.


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Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

Focus on Android, Google's 4,000 Employees Motorola Scotland

The atmosphere at the Office of Google (ist)New York, USA -Google start massive corporate action in Motorola. Mobile phone manufacturer that acquired USD 12.5 billion was downsized in order to focus on Android handset sales, one of which with 4,000 employees and close to fire 30 of its 90 facilities Motorola Mobility globally.

In his statement, two-thirds of employees who will be laid off it came from business areas outside the United States. Described by Google, the purpose of the streamlining is to transition the business ' from the phone to the device that featured more innovative and profitable '.

"These changes are designed to restore the business unit mobile Motorola profitability back on track after losing money in 14 of continued 16 last quarter," said Google in a statement to the Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States.

However, Google warned to its shareholders not to expect too much of Motola can simply grab the rebound advantage in the next few quarters.

Google itself has set up severance USD 275 million which will be paid in the third quarter of this year. Mentioned, about a fifth of the 20,000 workers at Motorola Mobility will get a pink slip.

As quoted from on the New York Times, Wednesday (15/8/2012), this massive pruning will hit the operations of Motorola in Asia and India, with a focus on research and development unit in Chicago, Sunnyvale, and Beijing.

As known, Google purchased Motorola Mobility unit valued at USD 12.5 billion in may, for the purpose of acquiring a business division that uses the Android mobile platform and about 17,000 other valuable patents owned by Motorola.

Acquisition business Motorola phone with tens of thousands of patents was indeed a step Google to improve power saingnya to be able to counterattack against Apple in the smartphone and tablet PC markets.


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2 weeks, Attract 10 Million User Outlook.com

Outlook LogoJakarta -Gmail and Yahoo should be alert to the presence of Outlook.com. Since its existence was announced by Microsoft, the modern email service is capable of luring 10 million users. Complete the other notes, namely being able to hook the 1 million accounts in a day.

One of the advantages of using the Outlook.com is a cleaner interface, and connect quickly to popular sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Even can do VoiP calls with Skype.

Sebetulanya achievement of 10 million users in 2 weeks since its launch is not something that ' wah '. Given the Outlook.com is a radical change to the services Microsoft Hotmail email, IE.

As cited on The Web, from Next Wednesday (15/8/2012), Hotmail alone has hundreds of millions of users. Because in addition to using a new account, a Hotmail account users can enjoy this service.

"10 million users in two weeks is Outlook.com means there is 1 million new user email account Microsoft," wrote Microsoft party.


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Battlefield 4 critical limits stretcher Modern War

Jakarta -little by little leakage of the latest Battlefield Series unfolds. Game maker also briefly mention that Battlefield 4 will still retain the battle later in the modern era.

Leakage of Battlefield presence, have been terendus since 4 EA released Medal of Honor sales poster War Fighter, there are also offered the opportunity to taste the Battlefield beta 4.

Even though it was berkilah, but is now the presence of Battlefield 4 already can not indisputable. Karl Magnus Troedsson as General Manager would join piped DICE and divulge a bit about the game.

"We want to continue to maintain this genre, the modern era as before. Battlefield 4 fit in the era and will be successful, "stated Troedsson, as quoted on from game informer, Tuesday (17/8/2012).

Battlefield 2 is indeed one game Firts Person Shooter (FPS) is a fairly ". This Game puts the quality graphics with animation effects that are dazzling. The fourth game of this series would perform better digandangkan, even expanding it to make it more focused, DICE stop making a series of Bad Company.


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Senin, 20 Agustus 2012

Asus, Lenovo & Samsung Tablet Windows 8 set for RT

Illustration (ist)Jakarta -Windows 8 Microsoft has completed and will be marketed towards the end of September 2012. The world's largest software vendors announced that some of the major computer manufacturers are ready to launch a Windows-based device RT 8.

According to Microsoft, the vendors who already ensure themselves make tablet PC and Windows 8 RT ARM processor which uses is Asus, Dell, Lenovo and Samsung.

In a posting on her blog Building Windows 8, Mike Angiulo as the Vice President of Microsoft's Ecosystem and Planning Team has yet to mention a product like what the vendors were already prepared. The price is also not revealed.

Whereas the possibility of launch not long after Windows 8 marketed. Angiulo inform some tablets and laptops Windows 8 will be made in a wide array of HH form factor. In the form of additional keyboard or can split.

"Some of the PC computer Windows RT will come with a full keyboard and touchpad solutions, whether it be split, either dock or traditional clamshell," call the Angiulo detikINET quote from ComputerWorld, Tuesday (17/8/2012).

Angiulo added that some devices Windows RT will be thinner and lighter than the Apple iPad. Indeed tablet Windows 8 aimed to shake up the dominance of Apple's device in between.

Windows 8 is designed to run just as well on a PC or a tablet. Whereas Windows 8 is a special version for HH processor, ARM processors commonly used in tablet PCs.


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ZTE Skate Sail Wide, Affordable Android

ZTE SkateJakarta -by relying on the big screen and the price is quite affordable, ZTE Skate entered the mobile phone market official Homeland. this one Vendor from China is optimistic his newest Android smartphone that's acceptable to consumers in Indonesia.

"Some vendors selling smartphone with price. But with the same specs, ZTE Skate sale in price more affordable, "said Susanto Sosilo, Director of the Division of ZTE Terminal in Jakarta.

ZTE Skate sale in Indonesia at a price of Usd 1.9 million. This pretty affordable Banderol is claimed if you see what is being offered by the handset.

This Smartphone has a fairly wide screen 4.3 inch, with a resolution of 480x800 pixels. The screen is quite extensive this is rated as one of the advantages of ZTE Skate.

"We deliberately make enough screen width. If under 3 inch less comfortable but when it's in the top five inch instead of greatness, "added Susanto.

Other specifications such as processor 800 MHz, 512 MB RAM, 5 megapixel autofocus camera with LED Flash, a microSD slot, A 1400 mAh battery, GPS and full connectivity including HSDPA, HSUPA and Wi Fi. Whereas the system of operations still Android Gingerbread.


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Story Admin TI: Ready For The Sake Of Escorting Server

Server settings in IDC (General/detikfoto)Jakarta -Admin TI company that puts the server in Indonesia Data Center (IDC) located at Duren Tiga, South Jakarta, seemed very tired today. The reason, since Sunday (12/8/2012) night, the servers must be shut down due to an explosion of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS).

Sontak, upon hearing the news, the it team from various companies directly jumped into the field to check on the situation. Including the it team that keeps the server in Detikcom two floor building IDC.

They deserve worry, because these servers is the central device goes by the online activity of the company. Especially after seeing the presence of a fire engine at the scene. Of course I broke out in a variety of flavors to worry the head.

But it turns out only after the UPS device to check which exploded, while the server fills the shelves at IDC ensured safe.

"I heard there are events at the IDC about 19.30 o'clock Sunday night, and directly come to the location. But it also could not enter, and existing officers. New at around with 22.30, we collected by Mr. Johar Alam (chairman of IDC) and ensured all the servers are secure, "said Hasan, one of the it team Detikcom.

"When it's all they've done independent audit, everything else checked but not yet ascertained again when servers can be switched on again, the devastating power supply disconnected," he continued.

After doing so, there is certainly a sense of relief knowing the company's secure server. The next task is waiting to bring it to life again. A number of people--including the IT team--finally there's detikcom that stand by the IDC to monitor the condition of the building.

"While the rest back home or to the Office, because we've been predicting if there are events like this must have been a long time. May morning, but still there are friends who stand by, "said Hasan.

Then people more and more during the morning after Dawn. And at 05.00 in the morning, the server died on the 1st floor was getting turned on again.

Turned on gradually, per row. So are lining up to turn it on. Finished 1st floor, new servers are located on the 2nd floor Gets a turn.

When the day of the lunch, the it team who have been escorting their servers ' ' since last night was already many uprooted aka sleepy. They had many bergelimpangan to break down the body for a moment at the 3rd floor building. While some of these are visible while sitting around fiddling with with their laptops.

"It's been uneventful electricity supply, but there are some server errors and checking more remains to be done. So even though the afternoon was going home or to the Office to take a break, but later that night came again to pengecekkan, "Hasan stated.


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Samsung Prepare iPad Retina Display Opponents ' '

new iPadJakarta -Samsung still hasn't stopped pursuing the success of Apple in the tablet market. Latest news mentions, South Korea origin vendors setting up central tablet to compete with the new iPad, which has advantages in the retina display.

Candidates that come from having a tablet code-named P10 with WQXGA display technology. Rumornya, the screen on the device it will be embedded with a resolution of 2560x1600 pixels and 256ppi. Just FYI, the new iPad has a density of 2048x1536 in 264ppi screen.

This product is reportedly also get the latest generation processors support ARM A15. Bottom line, Samsung seems to be preparing a tablet with bigger screen, and with high resolution in its class.

Quoted from Softpedia detikINET , Tuesday (17/8/2012), in addition to having the screen to buck up sharply, the tablet reportedly also uses larger battery for usage becomes more comfortable.

Although limited to rumors and there has been no confirmation from the Samsung tablet is true, if not produced cannot be the ' killer ' iPad real.


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Nokia Fans Still Love Qwerty

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Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

Blast the UPS in IDC, technical problems or Sabotage?

Johar Alam Rangkuti (tyo/inet)Jakarta -one Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) that exist in the IDC Duren Tiga, Jakarta exploded yesterday evening. There has been no reports of a major cause of the explosion, although the UPS is currently has been handled by the police. Whether technical problems or indeed there is sabotage?

Chairman of the Indonesia Data Center (IDC) Johar Alam Rangkuti also did not figure why the UPS could explode from the inside. But he hang in the balance of sabotage.

"The UPS Room it could only be opened with special cards. Raknya own yet to be opened with a key. If viewed from the cable that we see any possibility of short-circuit is very small. If people want to sabotage, yes the door open, open the key raknya, continue to enter molotov in it. It seems impossible, "tukasnya, as found on, Monday (14/8/2012).

The explosion happened was big enough to able to damage the chip and log files is in it. When that log file is very important to know why the damage could occur.

"The log File is damaged and his totally can't read. So technically, and me as the cause of the destruction of this technique the UPS will continue to be a mystery. But the police themselves ask for time to investigate this incident to one month, "tukasnya.

The only reason that could be received from this damage is the quality of the vendor's UPS. Whereas, Johar confessed, bought it with UPS rates are more expensive than UPS previously.

Johan confessed one UPS can cost up to USD 60 thousand or about USD $ 564 million (USD 1 = Idr 9400). While UPS purchased earlier, purchased at a price of USD 50 thousand.

"After yesterday's incident we immediately replace the UPS is in building this IDC. We have a Total of 8 UPS available. To be convincing, at present we are ordering UPS of all existing vendors, "sebutnya.

The UPS has a dual function to keep the server in order to remain constantly lit. First, it's useful as a stabilizer of the UPS in unstable power supply or die.

"Never mind the dead, when the unstable power supply from any direct terminated then its PLN is replaced with a battery that able to survive for 30 minutes. When the electricity is off, then his case 30 seconds after power off instantly by irrigated genset. That's why I can't figure, why could explode from the inside so, "he asserts.

In the IDC in Three buildings themselves there are 600 Duren rack servers, each of which occupied floor 300 rack. These shelves are named after colors, autumn (orange), winter (blue), spring (green) and summer (red). The current conditions were continuing normally.


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