Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Barnes Noble & Prune Tablets Price

Barnes Noble Inc. 's Nook & Tablets (Ist.)Jakarta -Google and Amazon are both releasing a tablet computer at an affordable price. This surefire makes competition in these areas and make intensified with other manufacturers at competitive prices.

One tablet manufacturers finally decided to trim the price pirantinya is & Barnes Noble Inc. with regard to the model experience trimming price is Nook Tablet 16 GB where is trimmed so that it becomes costing USD 50 USD 169.

Two other models that also cut the price of its Nook Tablet 8 GB is, initially costing USD 199 to USD 179. Went to Nook Color consumers can get it at a price of USD 149 of which initially USD 169.

"Barnes Noble competed with Nexus & belonging to Google Inc, Amazon.com and Kindle Fire between his future could be with ' iPad mini ' from Apple Inc.," said Sarah Rotman Epps, an analyst from Forrester Research Inc.

"They have to stay competitive in the price and must continue to innovate with new products," he added as quoted from WallStreetJournal detikINET , Tuesday (13/8/2012).

Google's own Nexus with the price USD 249 figures in 7th for the 16 GB version and USD 199 for the 8 GB, equals the price of the Kindle Fire. Epps added that the retailer was getting popular book will offer a new tablet, the other reason for trimming the price above.


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