Server settings in IDC (General/detikfoto)Jakarta -a number of companies that put the server in Indonesia Data Center (IDC) Duren Tiga, South Jakarta, is sure to Centre made busy today. But don't worry, the IDC claims to be preparing a compensation to the clients.
Chairman Johar Alam pleaded, IDC about compensation was already mentioned in the contract. As for what sort of compensation to be awarded that would be discussed with each client.
"Later we will dialogue (a matter of compensation) as the default. Later seen how hitung-hitungan these standards, would satisfy the client or not. That must have been mentioned in the contract, "he explained to detikINET, Tuesday (13/8/2012).
As reported earlier, one of the UPS in the IDC building Three South Jakarta reported Duren exploded. As a result, electricity supply was disconnected so it was shutting down the servers under the building.
IDC in Duren Tiga himself has a capacity of 600 rack server. However, when this newly built 350 rack, which is almost entirely already filled.
However the current flow of power to the server racks have been reported safe control. So the admin can revive the server-the server that had died.
OOPS that exploded was located on the second floor, and ' Fortunately ' only one unit that is problematic. Where the price of one unit of UPS that exploded it could reach USD 60 thousand or about USD $ 564 million (USD 1 = Idr 9400).
"The price of one UPS it was around USD 60 thousands (or approximately USD 564 million). Total loss not yet counted, our focus for the electricity supply, "Johar pointed out.
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