Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

Google Earth Find The Pyramid New

Imaging results Google EarthJakarta -Google Earth returned show evidence as one of the services which are useful not only for lay people, but also in particular researchers Archaeologists. This satellite imaging tool managed to find a new pyramid.

Is Angela archaeologist living North Carolina Micol which utilizes Google Earth to do scanning in Egypt, especially in the area of Giza.

From the results of imaging satellites this is the site that Micol found two suspected pyramid previously unknown. It has a height of 140 mounds of legs and is very familiar with the pyramids in Giza.

Other sites managed to found the town of mill 12 Abu yang Sidhum piramidanya distance adjacent to the River Nile. These two pyramid-sized small and large, one as high as 250 feet and two 100 feet.

Indeed, the need to further research of this discovery. More than that, Micol reveals what it finds very unusual, let alone ' free ' is done through an internet browser. The quotation from detikINET Gizmodo, Tuesday (17/8/2012).


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