Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Social Networking ' Islamic Greetings World ' Ready To Be Launched On November

Hello World (Ist.)Jakarta -social networking in cyberspace has become a lifestyle that could not escape from the life of modern society as it is today. Look at these conditions, a social network created specifically for the muslim community by the name of ' Hello World (SW) ' was launched. SW is expected to become a space of cooperation both among the Muslims in the world.

"SW is a global social networking specifically made for muslim communities around the world. By joining together, SW of the muslim community the world can cooperate with the resources that it owns. For example, different cultures and skill owned so that it becomes the potential of community, "said Branding Manager Greetings World, Zroll Toksoon time press conference prelaunching ' Salam World ' in the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Friday (13/8/2012).

Toksoon seen it materialize would potentially form if the muslim community which is awesome. Even if he sees this collaboration could well entwined amongst the Muslims, then it is not impossible to be able to create change in the world for the better.

"You can represent your ability through SW. Eg you have the ability in the IT field, I have the ability in the field of marketing, then we can share knowledge so that it can form a company," he said.

Among Muslims could share knowledge more easily through the SW. SW is not just a means of getting new friends only, Toksoon explained to the SW, the users can easily do business and promotion.

The plan, Islamic social networking will be officially launched in October or November 2012 release. So far, there has been no social networking destined specifically for the muslim community. Social networking world is still dominated by Facebook and Twitter.

Ahead of the launch, Greetings World continues to perform a number of refinements and penyelesaiaan so that Islamic social networking alternatives capable of being only for the Muslims in the world, collaborate and communicate. The current team consists of professional Greetings World experts media and telecommunications from 12 countries. While the Board of agents representing 17 countries.


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