Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Discover Blankspot in Kominfo Still Line Mudik

When Idle Tifatul Sembiring Apple Admits Lebaran (tyo/inet)Jakarta -Although the performance of the operator during the Lebaran rated pretty good, still finds the presence of Ministry Kominfo area minimal signal from some telecommunication operators in a number of track go.

According to the head of the center of information and public relations of the Ministry, Gatot S Dewa Kominfo Broto, blankspot is still found in the path of the road amid rolling hills in West Java, although it was not until the connection is disconnected.

"There has been a number of complaints by the existence of countless users of various telecommunication provider are feeling the constraints of or interruptions in or communicate to access the internet during the Lebaran," said Tuesday (21/8/2012).

However, the Ministry continues to give appreciation of Kominfo numerous telecommunication provider which has sought the maximum and best possible during Hari Raya Aidilfitri, either through increased network capacity, monitoring regularly for 24 hours full speed, as well as emergency response in the face of technical issues.

Although evaluations comprehensively carried out by the Ministry of Telecommunications Regulatory Bodies and Kominfo Indonesia (DEH.LAPORIN FORGIVENESS) not done yet, but based on monitoring and evaluation as well as a summary of the various initial information gathered from various circles of society, as far as it can be inferred that the quality of telecommunications services, are in a pretty good level.

Summit celebration of Eid ul-Fitr is indeed already passed. However, said Gatot, fixed telecommunications providers are instructed to maintain quality service at least until H + 7, as instructed by Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring.

"This is because related to the impending feedback where telecommunications service, pemudik especially in densely populated areas, traffic concentrations remain sorely needed to communicate with each other," explains Gatot.

Kominfo pretty sure quality of services of telecommunications to H + 7 will still be awake well like these last few years. However, in the unlikely event occurs, then basic offence remained evaluasinya referring to law No. 36 of 2008 about Telecommunications and also PP. No. 52 in 2000 in particular with article 15 para (1) which States that the service provider is obligated to provide telecommunications facilities to guarantee service quality telecommunications services telecommunications is good.

In addition there are also five Ministerial Regulations associated with standard Kominfo quality telecommunications services, which has been in force since July 21, 2008.


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