Minggu, 09 September 2012

Join The Thousands Of Customers Indosat Mudik Free

Releases thousands ofJakarta pemudik-mudik lebaran Tradition admits also utilized Indosat. These operators organizes mudik free for customers, the IOC (Indosat Community Outlets), and the school community.

Located in the Museum Purna Bhakti Pertiwi Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, East Jakarta, was recorded as many as 957 attendance mudik Indosat will force to Surabaya via the North and South Lanes.

"We deliver our thanks for the support and loyalty of customers, the IOC and the Community have been faithfully using products Indosat. Hopefully our program provides benefits and presents bring blessing to all our customers, "said Atmanto Indar, Chief Corporate Services through Indosat, caption, Saturday (18/8/2012).

Participants of this deployment by using the go to approximately 130 bus bound for Jakarta in Central Java destinations via the North South Line &.

In addition to tickets, go to program participants with Indosat is also free to get THR in the form of shopping vouchers or allowance, t-shirts and also consumption during travel.

"This activity is a form of caring by providing benefits that Indosat may be felt directly by the public. We say goodbye to all the participants Go Full Blessing, hopefully More survivors reached the goal ", added Indar Atmanto.


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Sabtu, 08 September 2012

A Hacker was able to Take control of SMS Claim iPhone users

Illustration (Ist)Jakarta -iOS Security Levels during this most powerful known include ' ' in the face of attacks, apparently still have vulnerabilities that are capable of dieksplotasi outside parties. A blog known hacker managed to claim Apple smartphone, which paved the iPhone.

Developer's Blog named Pod2g wrote a statement that short messaging system or SMS on the iPhone is apparently able to hack in by the hacker. He claimed the iPhone can not only do diretas on one model only, thereby making all kinds of iPhone being susceptible to broken and been exploited commercially.

Unfortunately, it is not written in a blog with details of how the techniques hackers can take over SMS iPhone users without known the owner himself. Pod2g renders, hackers can control SMS iPhone owners so it can send an SMS from a distance.

Quoted detikINET from CBS, Saturday (18/8/2012), the danger again SMS that was sent by a hacker that is received by users who are in your contact list by the numbers as the official, such as 911. Even SMS sent is received from someone's number is known.

Of course the hackers that can leverage this to send short messages as phishing to take sensitive information or also could have been the hacker sent bogus SMS.

Apple has yet to give a response regarding the claim by the developer blog.But this is of course a concern for iPhone users continue to be cautious.


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Lenovo Assured: Microsoft Surface

Microsoft Surface (ist)Jakarta -Microsoft would sell his own productions named tablet Surface. Some PC manufacturers reportedly had no partners are happy with the presence of a Surface that is regarded as a competitor. However, Lenovo tablet confidence construction will be able to beat Surface.

"Microsoft is strong on software, but I don't believe they can provide the best hardware in the world. While Lenovo claims can, "Lenovo'S CEO, Yuanqing.

"Although we don't like Microsoft makes hardware, but although they start this hardware business, we think it just means one competitors increased again," he added, on the quotation from ComputerWorld, Sunday (19/8/2012).

Previously, the presence of Microsoft Surface gets resistance from Acer. Taiwan computer Vendor that States that the arrival of the Surface will negatively affect the ecosystem of industry PC.

In the past, Microsoft is indeed always partnered with PC vendors to create computer-based Windows operating systems. However for Windows 8, they decided to make its own tablet PC.

In fact, there is a newspaper circulating that the Surface will be sold only USD 199. If true, it could be a great success considering its price Surface that is very affordable. Reportedly, the Surface will be marketed around October, in conjunction with the official introduction of Windows OS 8.


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Sharp plans to LAYOFF 8,000 employees and Offers 2 Factory TV

TV Sharp Aquos (ist)Tokyo -TV Producers from Japan, Sharp plans to LAYOFF 8,000 employees perform against, or 15% of total employees Sharp throughout the world. Sharp also sell 2 TV factory owns.

As many as 8,000 employees to be fired is composed of 3,000 employees working in 2 factories in China and Mexico TV was sold to the Hon Hai Precision Industry from Taiwan. While 5,000 others have been announced by the employee's Sharp advance.

Japan newspaper Yomiuri said, Sharp fired thousands of employees move and sell TV factory is to reduce costs and pay their debts.

Other newspaper even said, Sharp plans to increase the number of employees who will be laid off 10,000 people.

"We continue to work to form an Alliance of the most good with Hon Hai, but there has been no decision made Hon Hai matter of our plant sales in Mexico and China," said Sharp spokesman quoted from Reuters, Monday (21/12/2012).

Currently has a number of Sharp debt 1.25 trillion yen (US $ 16 billion). The company is also struggling to do the refinancing middle of debentures worth 360 billion yen and a convertible bond issue worth 200 billion yen, which will be due next September.

The company will provide assessment reports its assets to banks to get funding to continue its business. Sharp stock price fell more than the current 35% since August.


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Jumat, 07 September 2012

Lebaran, Avoid Broadcast Message Kominfo Requested

Illustration (Ist)Jakarta -Indonesian Ministry of communication and Informatics (Kominfo) predicts there will be a very significant spike in the use of telecommunications and admits hight. In addition to asking the operator, the consumer was on standby dihimbau efficiently use SMS, voice or data.

Described and information center Chief Publicist Kominfo Gatot S Dewabroto, on hight--H-1 to H + 1--total estimated there will be 4 billion SMS will be sent each other throughout the telecommunication provider in Indonesia.

"The message Service, excluding the services that are delivered via MMS, WhatsApp Messenger BBM and likely to rise to 95 million service or increased by 270% than normal," said Gatot, through his statement, Saturday (18/8/2012).

As for the voice services, estimated in total will take place to talk 2.499.300.000 minutes in 3 days was at the same time of tens of millions of users of telecommunications services.

With regard to communications data (e.g. to be increased to approximately 238 terabytes or an average increase of approximately 25% to 33% when compared to normal conditions.

"Considering the possibility of the use of social media by the public both during the journey, then to the entire telecommunication provider already reminded also to provide excess capacity for anticipating banwidth Spike," he asserts.

Kominfo also reminded, to all telecommunication provider are also reminded to mensiagakan call center or contact center is active (not passive answering machine) that actively, persuasive, communicative and informative can provide information as best as possible had received complaints, complaints and questions from the public.

Also appealed to customers Kominfo can efficiently in anticipation of the time and quantity of data that is sent. That is, given the current peak season will take place on a day time until H admits Lebaran + 1 and estimated telecommunications traffic is quite high.

In addition, although each user has the right to broadcast the message regardless of the posting, but rather suggested not instantly immediately sent everything, because potential hang will occur (the device suddenly not working) is quite high, and consequently it must be resubmitted.

"This means no error on the quality of service telecommunication provider. More recommended to be sent in stages, "demolished Gatot.


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All About Video, Facebook Success Liga Preview: Yahoo

Facebook (Ist.)Jakarta -talks about the most visited site in order to see the video, YouTube is still a ' King '. But the interesting part of comScore's latest report here is the popularity of Facebook is creeping up and shift the position of Yahoo.

According to market research company in the United States in July, Facebook notes more than 53 million unique viewers. These figures are above the note that was slated for Yahoo which is 49 million visitors.

However, despite losing in terms of unique viewers, Yahoo should never boasted about in terms of the number of videos watched users. Reportedly, Yahoo users watch more videos, i.e. around 625 million, was a giant networking website Facebook users reported only tracing as much as 327 million videos in the same month.

Yahoo and Facebook competition contested two positions don't harass the jawara first on this list, namely YouTube. Yes, the popularity of YouTube until now has not been invincible.

Video site owned by Google is still comfortably perched on one position by the number of unique viewer which is way above the two sites mentioned earlier, i.e. almost 157 million in the same month.

In addition to YouTube, Facebook and Yahoo, other sites are the most visited to see the video is Vevo and Microsoft. Each is ranked 4th and 5th, such as cited on Cnet, Monday (8/8/2012).


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Adobe Flash Player ' Left ' of Google Play

Jakarta -early 2012, Google plans to no longer use Flash Player in Google Apps online, Play. Today, Google officially announced the stopping support for Adobe's proprietary software System.

After a stop in support of Flash Player, then all Android phones will not get the update from Adobe if there is a bug in Flash, unless the application is installed from the very beginning of your phone vendor initiatives.

Quoted detikINET from PC World, Sunday (19/8/2012), not just Google, Adobe has also agreed to dismiss its support and asks users to uninstall the software on the device.

Along with the presence of the Jelly Bean later that Android is not using Flash, then Adobe has unequivocally stop all application related updates. Especially in Google Play.

Google's decision to no longer use Flash in the Jelly Bean is considered to be ' killed ' the existence of Flash in the realm of smartphones. Moreover, Apple has already done similar steps as well some time ago. Instead the two companies that would be equally brings HTML 5 as a standard new platforms.


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iPad Mini & iPhone Apple Shares Leapt to make 5

Illustration iPad Mini (Ist)New York, -the presence of the iPhone 5 or iPad Mini rumours are indeed still limited not necessarily its existence, yet it also welcomed positive Apple investors. This looks when the company's shares that are passionate about at the end of last week.

Not yet released iPad Mini and iPhone 5 is already able to Jack up the stock Apple Inc. When closing trade Friday yesterday, Apple stock translucent USD648,19 per share. This increases quite significantly, instead of closing on Thursday, shares of technology companies reached USD 648.11.

Like disitat detikINET from Reuters, Wednesday (18/8/2012), with an increase in price currently achieve Apple USD608 billion, placing it as the number one most expensive companies. The value of Apple's own reach 50% higher than Exxon Mobil Corp, which occupies the second position.

Jefferies analyst Peter Misek & Co. predict Apple's share price target could be up to USD900. Predictions based on information he obtained that the "iPad Mini" currently in production in China.

His conviction was based on reports from Apple's suppliers in the region. He now believes Apple will produce 25 million iPad of all kinds in the current quarter, up from a previous estimate of 16 million.

Speculation about the iPad smaller has been rife this year. Analysts believe Apple wanted to make cheap tablet computer to counter the threat from Google Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire, both of which sell for USD199.


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Kamis, 06 September 2012

To Avoid A Lawsuit, Samsung & War Osram Agreed Peace

Samsung (Ist.)Jakarta -Samsung Electronics and lighting manufacturer Osram agreed to terms. The two companies had indeed engaged in this patent lawsuit some time ago.

The peace agreement is expected to finish on this month and need not take the Court. They'd licensed the patents LED technology with each other and also signed a memorandum of cooperation for the possibility of making LED products in the future.

"We are pleased to reach this new area in partnership with Samsung," a statement that Osram detikINET quotation from AFP, Monday (8/8/2012).

Osram is a subsidiary company of Siemens origin Germany Samsung and LG this sued in August last year. Osram claimed the company violated two patents related to LED lightning used in television and computer screen.

With the completion of such cases, Samsung is now able to concentrate Apple's lawsuit against the United States. Samsung seeks to defend the lawsuit the judge some products Apple Samsung iPhone and iPad just copied.


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Yahoo boss Pirate 2 Google employees

Yahoo! (Ist.)Jakarta -Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo back strengthening his forces '. ' Never take shelter under the banner of Google, Mayer was hijacked two employees from the Office terdahulunya.

The woman who was appointed CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER of internet company in July and it has hired former Google Product Marketing Manager named Andrew Schulte. He is currently the Chief of staff at Yahoo's body.

Schulte joined Google in 2007. He had a chance to handle Google + marketing campaign. Affirmation of himself he write on the departure of a Twitter account or profile LinkedInnya.

Schulte, Mayer was before plowing Anne Espiritu where duluanya worked as a consumer technology PR in Google, as cited on Cnet, Monday (8/8/2012).

Mayer was busy setting up a central management structure of Yahoo. The company is reportedly also central hunt Chief Operating Officer (COO) with experience in the field of financial management and corporate restructuring.


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After The Hearing, Cellular Network Stretched Isbat

Traffic monitoring on Superman Telkomsel (dok. telkomsel)Jakarta -the Government finally set 1 Shawwal 1433 H fell on Sunday (19/8/2012) after deploying a trial Isbat. Sontak, it has greeted ' soak up ' by the users of mobile services.

One such experienced Telkomsel, which is Indonesia's largest mobile operator with more than 120 million subscribers.

Shortly after the Minister of Religious Affairs announced the trial results Suryadharma Ali Isbat at around 18.00 WIB, Telkomsel's network immediately stretched. Incidentally, at the same time the operator is identical to the color red that central monitoring traffic for the night doing Takbiran.

"If viewed in real time the hearing outright make explosions for Isbat user mobile. Increase mainly happened to BlackBerry network by 15% and 100%, RESPECTIVELY, "shot Head of Network Services Group, Hendri Mulya Sjam Telkomsel.

"A moment to hear certitude (a matter of day Idul Fitri) from this Government looks like they directly send greeting selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri as a broadcast message," she continued, in the Office of Telkomsel, Saturday (18/8/2012).

Alas, the incoming data cannot yet describe the number must have been from a surge in traffic occurs. So, for the data it took 2-3 days to diakumulasi.

"Maybe new H + 1 new we can offer you for the data with numbers no doubt. If now was a percentage of the Traffic Spike, "continued the Edensor also won as Operation Commander Telkomsel Standby 2012.

With regard to voice and SMS services, post trial Isbat, Spike detected still in its early stages.

While the peak traffic for BlackBerry and TEXTING at night is expected at around 21.00 Takbiran upwards. As for the voice (phone calls), Spike would occur after the turtles, Eid ul-Fitr (Eid).

"If talking about the region go, the current density is still going on in parts of Central Java. But after that it seems to be shifting to East Java, "continued Hendri.

Superman & Combat

Telkomsel himself confirms ready to anticipate a surge in traffic during the forth with supported by traffic monitoring system from Sumatra to eastern Indonesia through Supervisory and Monitoring Network Perfomance (Superman).

The child is also exerting effort Telkom 10 Compact Mobile Base unit Transceiver (Combat) aka BTS move to add to the handling of communications traffic.

Amenities Supaman claimed able to perform monitoring functions, i.e. oversees the readiness status of the BTS and Base Station Controller (BSC); remote maintenance function, which performs maintenance and repair remotely without having to come to the location of the CELL TOWER or BSC; reporting function, which is reported in event history BTS or BSC; as well as measurement function, i.e. providing performance measurement results of BTS data.

While the Combat has the ability to extend the reach (coverage) and add capacity when network traffic cellular telecommunications in one region increased significantly.

Not only that, with mobile BASE STATIONS, the Combat system is claimed to be able to move quickly in a number of areas that require reaching an additional capacity of telecommunication networks, even if there were be BTS BTS replacement misbehaving.

Each Combat unit Telkomsel facilitated with generators, tower as high as 36 Metres, mobile sets, laptops, software, network, and WiFi connection minilink, thus able to improve customer convenience in communicating and accessing data.

In the summer this time Telkomsel lebaran, 10 Combat unit alerting that spread out in different areas which are expected to experience increased traffic that is 5 units in the region Jakarta, 1 unit in Bali region, 3 units in East Java, and 1 unit in Central Java.

Telkomsel's own estimates there will be a surge in SMS sending about 50% (being 1.3 billion SMS) and MMS by 100% (to 2.4 million MMS) during this year's Idul Fitri holiday. While voice and data services is expected to increase each of more than 6% (to be 1.15 billion minutes) and 23% (being 160 terabytes).


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Rabu, 05 September 2012

Sharp TV Production No Longer?

Illustration (Ist)Tokyo, reportedly considering-Sharp focus to produce LCD panel (liquid crsytal display) so need to sell a number of its business units. The origin of this company are planning to Japan no longer assemble TV.

Sharp as reported by local newspaper the Nikkei, said will take off a business unit of copiers and air conditioner (AC) in order to focus more in LCD market competition.

However, as reported by Reuters and quoted detikINET, Tuesday (17/8/2012), Sharp spokesman rejected the report through. "We studied a variety of measurement, but there is no facts that support the newspaper reports about a possible sale of operational Nikke main Sharp," said a spokesman.

This electronic company performance is not encouraging earlier this month, with the share price slump on the point of elevation in the last 40 years.

Nikkei mention, as part of the recovery effort, Sharp will also do a factory in Central Japan spinoff, which makes LCD panels to smartphones and tablets, including for iPhone and iPad Apple components.

"Sharp injection of investment may have been received from other manufacturers and factory operational run together, such as Hon Hai roPrecision done by Taiwan in Sakai factory located in Osaka prefecture," wrote the Nikkei.

Sharp's shares dropped 1.14% to 175 yen at the close of trading Friday.


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There Is The Possibility Of Selling Off Kodak Patent

Kodak (Reuters)Rochester, New York -Kodak plans to sell some of his patents to protect patent-his company from bankruptcy. However, the pioneers in the world of photography it's considering plan.

It was reported that Kodak can be only sold some patent digital imaging to detachable, or even sell them, so no one was quoted as saying from AllThingsD detikINET , Tuesday (8/8/2012).

It was following the news earlier that said Kodak has delayed announcement of the results of the sale of his patent. "Kodak has not yet reached an agreement to sell the certainty or patent portfolio of digital imagingnya," Kodak said in a statement.

The official voice of the menyugestikan that the patent has been running auction did not go according to expectations of companies based in Rochester, New York, United States.

A source who knows it says that the offer came for this portfolio of just under USD 2 billion figure.

Earlier, the Wall Street Journal has reported that initial bids came from two consortia, where led by corporate giants, Google and Apple.

As known, Kodak fight hard ' rescuing ' lives of the company. In addition to selling some of its 1,100 patents, Kodak has also been out of the business of the camera and switched to digital printing as well as the creation of new applications in the field.


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Ruby Alamsyah: Hukuman Penjara Bagi Pengirim SMS Cabul Sudah Tepat

AppId is over the quota

Ist (hasan/detikfoto)Jakarta - Saiful Dian Effendi (22) divonis 5 bulan penjara oleh Mahkamah Agung (MA) karena mengirimkan SMS dengan materi cabul, jorok dan porno. Ahli digital forensik Ruby Alamsyah menilai putusan MA ini merupakan bentuk penerapanUU Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE) yang tepat.

"Kalau sudah diputuskan oleh hakim memang bersalah dan kontennya berupa kesusilaan berarti melanggar aturan. Putusan hakim ini merupakan salah satu penerapan UU ITE yang tepat," kata Ruby saat berbincang dengan detikINET, Kamis (16/8/2012).

Menurutnya pasal 27 UU ITE yang dikenakan kepada Saiful atas perbuatan mengirim sms cabul merupakan hal yang baru dan bisa diterima oleh masyarakat. Pasal 27 tersebut berbunyi 'Setiap orang dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak mendistribusikan dan/atau mentransmisikan dan/atau membuat dapat diaksesnya Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik yang memiliki muatan yang melanggar kesusilaan'.

"Ini termasuk baru, penerapan yang ada dalam masyarakat dan bisa diterima juga," beber Ruby.

Ruby menilai, tindakan korban untuk melaporkan perbuatan Saiful merupakan bentuk kesadaran akan UU ITE yaitu jika seseorang merasa dilecehkan melalui media elektronik dia bisa melaporkan ke polisi. Selama ini masyarakat belum sadar terhadap penerapan UU ITE sehingga jarang sekali orang tahu bahwa perbuatan Saiful itu ternyata bisa dijerat hukum.

"Dalam kasus ini korban jeli terhadap UU ITE ini dan pelakunya tidak paham benar isi UU ITE," terang Ruby.

Ruby menambahkan, hukuman 5 bulan pidana yang dijatuhkan hakim merupakan hal yang wajar. Sebab hakim memiliki pertimbangan sendiri sampai bisa menjatuhkan hukuman tersebut.

"Sah-sah saja putusan MA itu, kalau hukuman 5 bulan relatif, hakim yang bisa menilai. Majelis hakim sudah mempertimbangkan dengan matang," ucap Ruby.

Diketahui, Efendi di penjara 5 bulan terdakwa dijerat pasal 27 ayat 1 jo pasal 45 UU No 11/2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE). Selain SMS cabul, UU ITE ini juga mengancam pengirim SMS dengan hukuman maksimal 6 tahun penjara jika SMS itu bermuatan judi, penghinaan/pencemaran nama baik dan pemerasan/pengancaman.

( slm / rns )

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Selasa, 04 September 2012

Telkomsel Dikawal 'Superman', Indosat Diperkuat Command Center

AppId is over the quota

CMO Indosat Erik Meijer meninjau Command Center (isat)Jakarta - Jika Telkomsel memiliki Supervisory and Monitoring Network Perfomance (Superman) untuk mengawal jaringannya selama mudik, Indosat mengoperasikan Command Center untuk memastikan pelanggan mereka dapat berkomunikasi tanpa gangguan.

Command Center Jaringan Indosat merupakan pusat pemantauan kondisi jaringan telekomunikasi Indosat secara terintegrasi yang beroperasi selama masa-masa puncak kenaikan trafik telekomunikasi Lebaran.

Sarana ini akan memantau jaringan telekomunikasi Indosat secara nasional, memastikan kondisi jaringan dalam kondisi prima serta dengan cepat mendeteksi setiap gangguan jaringan, untuk selanjutnya ditangani secara cepat.

"Command Center Jaringan Indosat merupakan salah satu wujud komitmen kami untuk dapat mendukung pelanggan dalam berkomunikasi selama beraktifitas di masa-masa mudik Lebaran, kapan dan dimana pun mereka berada, sehingga layanan Indosat dapat tetap mereka nikmati tanpa gangguan," ujar Adrian Prasanto, Division Head Public Relations Indosat.

Command Center Jaringan Indosat beroperasi mulai H-3 Lebaran yaitu 16-21 Agustus 2012. Beroperasi selama 24 jam dan berada di markas pusat Indosat di Jakarta, namun memantau jaringan telekomunikasi Indosat di seluruh Indonesia, khususnya di sepanjang jalur mudik dan daerah-daerah tujuan mudik.

Selain Command Center, secara reguler pemantauan stabilitas dan kualitas jaringan telekomunikasi Indosat dilakukan melalui fasilitas Single Network Operation Center (SNOC) yang telah hadir sejak tahun 2004.

Pada tahun 2010, SNOC menempati lokasi tersendiri di Serpong, Tangerang Banten, dan menjadi pusat pemantauan jaringan terintegrasi untuk seluruh layanan Indosat baik seluler, SLI dan jaringan transmisi.

SNOC akan memantau dengan cermat bila terjadi gangguan jaringan dan sinyal di wilayah seluruh Indonesia, untuk selanjutnya dieskalasi dan diselesaikan dengan cepat sehingga pelanggan tidak terganggu dalam menggunakan layanan Indosat.

Sementara itu, mengantisipasi kenaikan trafik telekomunikasi selama masa mudik Lebaran 2012, Indosat secara nasional telah meningkatkan kapasitas trafik suara menjadi 924 juta menit/hari, peningkatan sebesar 140,6% dibanding trafik regular hari biasa.

Untuk SMS, Indosat meningkatkan kapasitas menjadi 1,4 miliar SMS/hari, yakni peningkatan sebesar 62,41% dibanding trafik regular hari biasa. Sementara untuk data, Indosat meningkatkan kapasitas menjadi 120 terabyte/hari, yakni peningkatan sebesar 197,5% dibanding trafik regular hari biasa.

Secara nasional, hingga semester I 2012, Indosat melayani lebih dari 50 juta pelanggan dengan dukungan 21.039 BTS.

( ash / ash )

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CEO HTC Akui Salah Strategi

Ist (Financial Times)Taiwan -Peter Chou CEO HTC acknowledges the existence of problems in his company, which led to his strategy in the smartphone market is not working. But he hoped such circumstances this will fade to recover.

Though HTC One X and One's success and stealing are enough attention, but two of those not capable of flagship smartphones to boost the performance of HTC in this year as a whole.

HTC financial reports in the second quarter showed a decrease of 26.8 percent from the same period of last year. And this state of affairs seems to have yet to be improved in the third quarter.

Quoted from TechRadar detikINET , Tuesday (17/8/2012), a company also rose to customize Taiwan projections in the third quarter in the range of USD 2.3 billion to USD 2.7 billion, down 23 percent from the second quarter.

As a result, the Government is reportedly considering Taiwan Central committed bail-outs for HTC in order to save the GDP (gross domestic product).

A memo from the CEO Peter Chou said, he admitted to an error in the internal company. Chou says HTC soon must rise, in order to quickly recover.

In the memo, which was first dilanir the Wall Street Journal, highlighting a number of key points Chou among others ' multiple ' area that needs to be fixed.

Chou also reveals HTC has encountered a problem in executing a number of strategies. "We agree to do something, but didn't do it. In other words the execution failed, "he said.

To restore the condition of the company, asking for the whole of his men Chou focus on brand HTC One with a clear intention and not get tangled in red tape. Sure they are given Chou responsibility regarding this more talk but without making a decision, the strategic direction, or sense of urgency.

"I hope we can improve communication inside the company," he said. However, Chou expressed his company's financial condition is still running well.


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Pengirim SMS Cabul Dibui, MA: Stop Jual Nomor Sekali Pakai!

AppId is over the quota

Ilustrasi (hasan/detikfoto)Jakarta - Mahkamah Agung (MA) menghukum pelaku pengiriman pesan singkat dengan materi cabul, jorok dan porno. Terdakwa Saiful Dian Effendi (22), seorang mahasiswa di Madiun, Jawa Timur, dihukum dengan menggunakan UU Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE), setelah sebelumnya dihukum percobaan.

Hukuman ini tidak hanya menjadi peringatan bagi masyarakat, tetapi juga para operator seluler.

"Oleh karena mungkin dari operator telepon bikinlah aturan, tidak lagi atau melarang penjualan voucher sekali pakai sehingga nomor-nomor telepon mudah dilacak," ujar juru bicara MA Djoko Sarwoko saat dihubungi wartawan, Kamis (16/8/2012).

Menurutnya saat ini banyak sekali kelonggaran dalam penggunaan kartu telepon seluler. Kartu telepon dijual murah, bisa digunakan sekali pakai sehingga sulit dilacak, dan mudah digunakan untuk tindak kejahatan.

"Kalau sekali dipakai, terus dibuang, kan sulit dilacak. Jangan diaktifkan nomornya kalau identitas tidak jelas," ujar Ketua Muda MA bidang Pidana Khusus ini.

Djoko menjelaskan pertimbangan majelis bahwa saat ini pesan singkat banyak digunakan untuk melakukan kejahatan, seperti penipuan, kejahatan seksual dan lain-lain. Pesan singkat bermateri jorok, cabul dan porno menurutnya termasuk perilaku kekerasan terhadap wanita.

"Kalau di luar negeri itu termasuk sexual harassment dan bisa dipidana berat. Makanya hukumannya saya naikkan. SMS itu meresahkan, apalagi dikirim ke banyak orang," ujarnya.

Kasus ini bermula saat Saiful mengirimkan SMS berisi perkataan porno kepada beberapa nomor di ponselnya pada awal 2011. Semua yang dia kirimi adalah perempuan, salah satunya Adelian Ayu Septiana. Isi SMS seronok tersebut membuat Adel merasa risih dan dilecehkan. Apalagi SMS dikirim berkali-kali. Adel pun melaporkan hal ini ke polisi.

PN Madiun dan Pengadilan tinggi Surabaya menghukum Saiful dengan hukuman percobaan. Namun putusan ini dianulir MA dengan menghukum 5 bulan penjara bagi Saiful. Putusan ini dibuat pada 9 Agustus 2010 lalu ini diketok oleh ketua majelis Djoko Sarwoko dengan hakim anggota Komariah Emong Sapardjaja dan Surya Jaya. Kasus ini menjadi kasus SMS cabul pertama yang masuk MA dan dipidana.

( asp / ash )

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5 September, Nokia Announce Windows Phone 7?

Nokia invitation received journalists (The Next Web)Jakarta -the presence of Nokia phones with Windows Phone 7 operating system could be will be realized in the near future. After an invitation received journalists reveal Windows Phone Nokia event.

Indeed the invitation held September 5th, 2012 does not mention straightforward that Nokia will announce the smartphone Windows Phone 7 first. However, it is explicitly shown in the invitation header named ' Siemens-Microsoft Press Conference '.

Accessed through The Next Web by detikINET, Tuesday (17/8/2012), a typical Windows interface-shaped invitation Phone this will be held in New York, United States at 9.30.

Apparently Nokia wants to take momentum to preempt the presence of the latest version of Apple's iPhone product i.e. 5 or iPad Mini.

As known, circulating Word when Apple will prepare the event on September 12, later. Either the iPhone 5 or iPad Mini, both of these products are getting increasingly blustery day gossip.


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Senin, 03 September 2012

OS BlankOn Banyumas, Buah Gotong-Royong Warga Banyumas

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Ilustrasi (blankon banyumas)Jakarta - Peringatan hari kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia pada 17 Agustus 2012 terasa lebih istimewa bagi Gerakan Desa Membangun (GDM) dan Komunitas BlankOn Banyumas.

Pasalnya, tepat setelah detik-detik proklamasi, mereka akan meluncurkan sistem operasi komputer (OS) berbahasa Banyumas di Pendopo Wakil Bupati Banyumas.

Dalam keterangan tertulis yang diterima detikINET, Kamis (16/8/2012), BlankOn Banyumas merupakan OS BlankOn dengan dukungan antarmuka (interface) bahasa Banyumas. OS ini telah diterapkan di 23 desa anggota GDM di Kabupaten Banyumas.

BlankOn Banyumas dikembangkan oleh Komunitas BlankOn Banyumas selama 8 bulan dengan melibatkan ratusan sukarelawan, mulai dari praktisi teknologi informasi, mahasiswa, pelajar, blogger, dan warga desa.

Bagi GDM dan Komunitas BlankOn Banyumas, peluncuran BlankOn Banyumas menjadi bukti masyarakat Banyumas mampu memutus ketergantungan pada OS impor berbayar untuk dukungan kerja komputer.

Pada akhir 2011, mereka sepakat untuk bergotong-royong mengembangkan OS secara mandiri. Untuk memangkas kesenjangan teknologi di masyarakat akar rumput maka BlankOn Banyumas menggunakan bahasa antarmuka dalam bahasa lokal.

Acara peluncuran BlankOn Banyumas rencananya akan dihadiri sejumlah tokoh masyarakat Banyumas, seperti KH Ahmad Tohari (Budayawan Banyumas), Budiman Sudjatmiko (DPR RI), Achmad Husein (Wakil Bupati Banyumas), Djati Kusumo Widjoyo (Direktur Politeknik Pratama), A Budi Satrio (Kepala Desa Melung), Bayu Setyo Nugroho (Kepala Desa Dermaji), Pradna Paramita (Ketua Blogger Banyumas), dan Yossy Suparyo (Pengiat TIK Perdesaan).

Acara peluncuran BlankOn Banyumas terbuka untuk masyarakat umum. Bagi warga Banyumas maupun luar Banyumas yang mengikuti acara ini akan mendapat keping cakram (CD) installer BlankOn Banyumas secara cuma-cuma. Komunitas ini bisa juga dikontak via twitter @blankonbanyumas atau http://blankonbanyumas.web.id.

( ash / ash )

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Do Not Carelessly Send SMS!

Illustration (hasan/detikfoto)Jakarta -SMS Bonus means free so already almost every operator of mobile promotions. But that does not mean that you can with impunity sending short messages. Moreover, if the content contains sordid elements, insults and other negative things.

According to Gatot S Dewa Broto., head of public relations and information center for Public Ministry, there are still many Kominfo misguided about electronic documents that can serve as evidence in court.

"Electronic document Dipikirnya was emailing and things that appear on the internet. When SMS is also included, and it's set in the legislation on information and Electronic Transactions (MÉXICO), "he said to detikINET, Tuesday (17/8/2012).

So suppose someone sends an SMS to someone else and he didn't like it because the contents are defamation, porn content, or other forbidden things, then the SMS can be evidence and reported to the police.

"This is why should carefully. Do not carelessly send SMS! Cause that is set in the ACT ITE not only things that are on the internet, such as emails, "stated Gatot.

The story of lewd SMS which led the now central faced bui Saiful Dian Effendi. The case began when the offender who is a student in Madiun, East Java, it sends an SMS containing the word porn to a couple of your phone number on at the beginning of 2011.

All that he send are women, one of them Adelian Ayu Septiana. Contents of the SMS that makes the race felt uneasy and abused Adel. Moreover, SMS sent many times. Adel also report this to the police.

PN Madiun and High Court of Surabaya sentenced penalty trial. Saiful However this ruling of the Supreme Court were annulled (MA) with 5 months imprisonment for punishing Saiful.

This ruling was made on August 9, 2010 this past diketok by Djoko Sarwoko presiding judge Komariah Emong with members of Sapardjaja and Surya Jaya. The case also became obscene SMS case first MA and is liable.


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Saingi Android, BlackBerry 10 Usung Layar Beresolusi Tinggi

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BlackBerry (inet)Jakarta - Research In Motion (RIM) memastikan kemunculan dua ponsel BlackBerry 10 awal 2013. Untuk menyaingi kecanggihan Android, salah satu ponsel itu pun dibekali layar dengan resolusi 1280 X 720.

Ya, CEO RIM Thorsten Heins mengatakan, sebagai tahap awal mereka akan meluncurkan dua handset BlackBerry 10. Salah satu ponsel menggunakan layar sentuh dan satunya lagi masih mempertahankan keyboard fisik seperti sekarang ini.

Seperti dikutip detikINET dari the verge, Kamis (16/8/2012), RIM menginformasikan kepada developer bahwa ponsel mereka akan menggunakan resolusi 1280 X 720 pixel. Resolusi yang sama seperti pada Galaxy S III dan HTC One X.

Resolusi yang tinggi itu akan dipakai pada ponsel BlackBery 10 yang seluruhnya layar sentuh. Sedangkan yang masih menggunakan keyboard fisik akan menggunakan resolusi 720 X 720 pixel.

Dengan resolusi yang tinggi tentunya akan semakin banyak aplikasi yang terlihat menarik pada perangkat tersebut. Belum lagi saat dipakai untuk menyaksikan video HD, dan menampilkan foto.

Hal ini sekaligus akan menegaskan bahwa perangkat BlackBerry 10 tak hanya andal untuk pebisnis, namun juga untuk pengguna yang gemar menikmati konten multimedia di ponsel.

( eno / rns )

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Minggu, 02 September 2012

Nokia Windows Phone 8 Ready Jegal Arrival iPhone 5

Consumers Nokia (reuters)Helsinki -Nokia rumored to be immediately launched a mobile phone with the operating system Windows 8. Nokia CEO Stephen Elop ensure that Nokia Windows 8 will emerge in the near future.

Elop indeed does not mention specifically the release date. But the alleged strong on September 5 in New York, United States. Nokia will launch it with its main partner, Microsoft.

If true, it means that Nokia Windows 8 will precede the coming of the iPhone 5 that santer was reported in mid-September will appear. Whether this strategy will be managed to steal consumer attention is still worth the wait.

Nokia currently does using Windows Phone as the main operating system, replacing the Symbian smartphone. Stephen Elop back confirms Nokia won't be turned away from a Windows Phone.

"I don't think to roll back time. In the current war between Apple and Android, Windows, very clear that we were fighting with Windows phones, "said Elop which detikINET quote from FoxNews, (16/8/2012).

Currently, some Windows Mobile Phones Nokia already circulating on the market. Like the Nokia 800, Nokia and the Nokia 610, 710. And the most premium, Nokia 900.

But everything is still based on Windows Phone 7 and already certain cannot be upgraded to Windows Phone 7. Perhaps, it is that triggers the release of Windows Mobile phone Nokia Phone soon.


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'Superman' Kawal Jaringan Telkomsel Saat Mudik

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Petinggi Telkomsel mengecek kesiapan 'Superman' (telkomsel)Jakarta - Musim mudik biasanya akan diramaikan dengan lonjakan trafik jaringan telekomunikasi. Untuk memastikan kesiapan infrastrukturnya, Telkomsel pun akan dikawal oleh 'Superman'.

'Superman' di sini tentu saja bukan sosok superhero yang bisa terbang seperti di film-film. Melainkan Supervisory and Monitoring Network Perfomance yang biasa disingkat Telkomsel sebagai 'Superman'.

Ini merupakan fasilitas yang dimiliki operator seluler anak usaha Telkom itu yang bertugas sebagai pemantau trafik dan pemeliharaan kinerja perangkat secara ketat.

Fasilitas Superman Telkomsel dikatakan mampu melakukan fungsi monitoring yaitu mengawasi status kesiapan BTS dan Base Station Controller (BSC), fungsi remote maintenance dengan melakukan perawatan dan perbaikan jarak jauh tanpa harus datang ke lokasi BTS atau BSC, fungsi reporting yaitu melaporkan sejarah kejadian yang ada di BTS atau BSC, serta fungsi measurement seperti memberikan data hasil pengukuran kinerja BTS.

Hasil pengukuran ini akan memberi informasi mengenai kesiapan BTS dalam melayani lonjakan arus telekomunikasi selular.

"Dengan sistem OMC (Operational Maintainance Centre) yang terintegrasi ini, upaya peningkatan layanan telekomunikasi seluler dan perbaikan cepat dapat dilakukan dari jarak jauh, termasuk mengatasi gangguan teknis yang mengakibatkan drop call," klaim Telkomsel, dalam keterangannya, Kamis (16/8/2012).

Telkomsel memperkirakan akan terjadi lonjakan pengiriman SMS sekitar 50 persen dan MMS sebesar 100 persen selama masa libur Lebaran tahun ini. Sedangkan layanan suara dan data diprediksi meningkat masing-masing lebih dari 6 persen dan 23 persen.

Kemampuan penanganan pelanggan VLR (Visitor Location Register) juga ditingkatkan menjadi 207 juta, dengan kapasitas kelonggaran daya tampung perpindahan pelanggan mudik 35-45 persen. Kapasitas HLR (Home Location Register) tahun ini digenjot menjadi 295,9 juta subscribers, meningkat dari kapasitas tahun lalu yang tercatat sebesar 282 juta subscribers.

Jumlah BSC (Base Station Controller) yang mengkoordinasikan beberapa BTS ditingkatkan menjadi 580 BSC (High Capacity) dan 107 RNC (Radio Network Controller). Peningkatan kapasitas IN (Intelligent Network) menjadi 173,5 juta subscribers tentu saja akan meningkatkan kenyamanan pelanggan dalam berkomunikasi dan mengakses data.

( ash / ash )

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PS3 Kedatangan Aplikasi YouTube Baru

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Tampilan YouTube di PS 3Jakarta - Google semakin mempermudah salah satu layanannya YouTube untuk dinikmati di segala macam perangkat, termasuk konsol game. Situs berbagi video itu kini bisa ditonton melalui PlayStation 3 (PS3).

YouTube mengkonfirmasi kedatangan aplikasi baru untuk PS3 yang bisa diunduh secara gratis di PlayStation Store. Namun saat ini, aplikasi itu baru bisa dinikmati untuk pengguna kawasan Amerika Utara.

Memang pengguna PS3 sebelumnya dapat menyaksikan video YouTube di konsol gamenya tersebut, namun aplikasi baru ini hadir dengan fitur baru dan tentu didesain khusus untuk PS3 dan layar lebar.

Salah satu fitur baru adalah iterasi fungsi pencarian, dimana pengguna dapat dengan mudah mencari video yang diinginkannya. Demikian yang detikINET kutip dari TechCrunch, Kamis (15/8/2012).

"Anda mungkin sudah pernah melihat YouTube di PS3. Kini bersiap-siaplah untuk pengalaman menonton video dan fitur yang baru di aplikasi YouTube. Karena kami sudah pengalaman membuat untuk layar yang lebih besar," tulis pihak YouTube dalam blog resminya.

Tidak hanya itu saja, pengguna yang mempunyai smartphone Android bisa menjadikannya sebagai alat kontrol dengan melakukan setingan terlebih dahulu.

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Traces the conception of Web 3.0

Illustration (Ist.)Jakarta – often we hear jargon of Web 2.0, but it is not a lot of highly touted prospects who understand the ins and outs of menelisik and and terminology. Moreover, previous versions, i.e. 1.0. Surely a sense of curiosity piqued. Thus, it will be like what the conception and the substance of the next web technologies. What will ' Web 3.0 ' be?

All the term ' monumental digadang is the buzz ' and exhaled by certain parties to such massive to attract funding primarily from investors or venture capitalists. Carut marutnya condition was hit by tragedy after dotcommers ' bubble burst ' give strong indications that the shadow of death some years ago need to be ' marked '.

It is necessary to provide psychological impact that nightmare was over. All back from hyper-reality to natural sadarnya. Bookmark a new chapter full of excitement that will attract funds back into the ecosystem after disappearing allocated to non-industry technology. It Is Time # MoveOn.

In spite of the long debate about the origins of nan complex, indeed not standardized or standardised by international institutions and organizations like ISO or RFC. In principle the concept of Web 2.0 was first coined by Dale Dougherty as the name of the Conference has several characteristics.

First, the existence of room (bigger) so that users can more actively fill the content on the website. Second, the use of the web site to connect and share content between users. This is manifested in the form of social media.

Third, the more ways to obtain information so that it could be accepted sooner. Lastly, the use of mobile devices (cell phones, smartphones and tablet) undermine the prediction that the internet access will be more done through television or other devices.

The key word there is the Qibla on communities, blogs, Wikipedia, web applications, tagging (folksonomy), cost-per-click and word of mouth.

Web 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 Berkilas back for a moment, Web 1.0 is addressed to periods where the website distributing information with a direct approach. This means minimal once in accommodate visitors and users to participate to produce the content. Focus on companies, portals, web form, directories (taxonomy), page views and advertising is its characteristics this conception.

When Web 2.0 facilitates personal relationships (intra and inter), social and professional, then the case will make a relationship 3.0 users and more intimate in a way that is more intelligent. Located at the point, too heavy on the individual, user behavior (' me-onomy '), personalization and behavioral advertising, advertainment.

For example, if we want to get the gadget with the features, advantages, specs and price, there are several web sites and it is possible that the forum, mailing list, and social networking need to be explored first. It takes a few hours for your desired information can be obtained.

Services search engines and browsers will have the ability to understand the estimated information on the web more deeply and more smart. As a result, in just minutes, information about gadget idaman will comprehensively presented.

The search engine is key and hold an important role in generating and distributing information for the netizen. Its role as a ' gateway ' information will be expanded by providing other information, more relevant and more useful.

Engine not only conduct searches based on specific keywords, but being able to understand the context of the information desired. Using the above example, in addition to the brand and type of gadget, the gadget will be displayed information can be purchased that application, recommendations need to be installed, review the users and others.

Social bookmarking as a search engine would probably serve more with making ' smarter ' result, so we will obtain information from best sites (based on the user's choice) in the industry.

In addition to relevance, a unique profile is the next keyword. By processing the user's behavior while browsing or searching, then search activity among users for the same keyword will show different results.

' Openness ' access over Application Programming Interface (API) will be getting more and more popular as more and more high demands upon user experiences that are offered by various web sites as well as the rise of collaboration between the service provider wishes to provide the best for our customers. No man is an island.

The trend of a combination of two or more applications into a single application, known as the ' mashup ', will increase. This type of application will display the location of the outlet where the gadget can be bought on a digital map, in addition to presenting a review of service store.

The owner of the Network, as the acronym Jagat Jembar World Wide Web (WWW) is translated to the language of Indonesia, Tim Berners-Lee has its own view of this.

According to him, the future lies in the hands of Semantic Web where the computer will search for, capture and interpret information web site using software with information structure called ' ontologies '. The Result? Information on the web page and search engines will be more structured, more relevant and more contextual.

Furthermore, the activity of search will be able to crawl and tag label, two of the most popular on the Web 2.0 components, and generate more sharp and more reliable.

Experts as well as business, technology, Nova Spivack States that focus on improving infrastructure in the 3.0 is the back end in order to bolster the ability of more browsers and search engines, after previous deals with the protocols, standards and programming languages web site two decades ago as well as front-end in 2.0.

We will more often see the use Web 3D, Augmented Reality, gesture-based technology. More intensive and extensive. Good for personal use, productive activities, entertainment, education and various other fields.

It would be many types of multimedia content (audio, video), as well as radio and television programmes can be enjoyed via the internet. Makin easy content creation as well as the increasing accessibility of this type and quality of the infrastructure offered by vendors and service providers a prominent role.

Watches and television is a hardware device that will earn a place in the hearts of its users, both as tools or more away supporters/as a major tool to access the web site.

Of the many futurisasi and above projections, we as users of course okay to argue and have different desires. And expect more. One can always hope, right?

Goutama BachtiarAbout the author: Practitioners and information technology consultant, trainer, educator, writer, author of the book as well as a Paris developer. Currently the Senior Contributors, regular contributor in e27 TechWireAsia Forbes and Indonesia. Can be contacted via Twitter: @ goudotmobi and e-mail: goutama@gmail.com


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Sabtu, 01 September 2012

Sony Mobile PlayStation Service Ready To Slide

London – Sony will launch service between Mobile gaming PlayStation platform before the end of this year. So these confirm the company Japan.

Services that were previously called the PlayStation this Suite will provide a series of applications for Sony PlayStation devices including smartphones, tablets, Vita and some Android devices.

To boost sales, in addition to setting up PlayStation Vita PlayStation Mobile, Sony also announced the owners of PlayStation 3 can use the Vita as kontrolernya starting later this month.

Reported by the Telegraph, Thursday (16/8/2012), besides Sony introduced a service called Cross Buy, allowing gamers to pay the same game for the PlayStation 3 and Vita at once.

Sony will also add service to PlayStation Plus Vita, as well as presenting a catalog of One PlayStation games to portable console.


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Component manufacturers Rp 95 Trillion iPhone Gelontorkan Built the factory in Cikande

Foxconn worker (Ist)Jakarta -Foxconn Technology Group of origin Taiwan menggelontorkan investment-ready upwards of $ 10 billion or approximately Rp 95 trillion. Without rambling, Foxconn will produce mobile phones starting later this year.

"They want to invest USD 10 billion over five years," said Minister of industry detikFinance, MS Hidayat to Wednesday (15/8/2012)

Hidayat added gradually Foxconn will make mobile phone product rakitannya in the country. Then they will do other than mobile phone product diversification. The next stage they will employ a local partner to make smartphone products and so on.

"If he's been in, would lead to the local brand, we are proposing would be the partners of STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES as the CORE have experience making HP, also with Polytron," he said.

As known, Foxconn Technology Group is a company manufacturing Taiwan originating in producing electronic components for several well-known brands such as Apple, Nokia.

Foxconn Technology Group (Foxconn) interested to build factories in Indonesia. Foxconn is a company manufacturing partners Apple. One of the iPad's '. Foxconn itself has been investing in Brazil and plans to add five new production facilities in that country.

Foxconn digadang-gadang will open a factory in an industrial area of Modern Cikande Industrial Estate or ModernCikande (MCIE). MCIE located in Serang, Banten Cikande,; approximately 68 km from Jakarta, 75 km from the port of Tanjung Priok and 50 km from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.


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Samsung: Galaxy Tab 10.1 Should released before the iPad

IPad vs Galaxy Tab 6.3 (Ist)Jakarta -Court Samsung and Apple again bring together related patent problems. Hearing this time listening to the statement of one of the bosses in the design of the Samsung Jin Soo Kim.

At the trial it was Apple claiming that the Galaxy Tab is very similar to the design with 10.1 iPad. However, the rumours and instead stated that Samsung is precisely the Galaxy Tab will be launched before the plan is 10.1 iPad.

Kim should mention 6 January 2010 selected as the launch date of Galaxy Tab 6.3. This means the presence of a tablet that's about two weeks before the iPad launched, on January 27, 2010 by Apple CEO Steve Jobs.

This statement also denied that the Samsung with blatant imitation of Apple's tablet.

Samsung claims these indirect dterima granted by the judge. The judge asked turning, when indeed the Galaxy Tab 10 prioritized for launched, not so why when Samsung announces Galaxy Tab instead puts a 7 Inch version?

Galaxy Tab itself finally introduced in 10.1 Mobile World Congress 2011, which actually also comes after the iPad 2 or the second generation of the iPad was introduced.

Vice President Samsung Mobile Lee Don-Joo berkilah that delay was done because some parts of the Galaxy Tab 6.3 is not perfect and needs to be redesigned.

Kim also made it clear that Samsung designs created based on the functionality of the device for consumers, and not to plagiarize Apple products. The quotation from detikINET Phone Arena, Thursday (16/8/2012).


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