Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Traffic Voice Call Lebaran Indosat Dropped 5.8%

Jakarta -Mobile Operator Indosat increasing telecommunications traffic record since season to date-mudik Lebaran H. There are still significant though for sound or voice call service is not as high as the previous year.

Voice traffic on National Day-H Indosat had increased to about 379,38 million minutes, up about 13.99% compared to regular voice traffic amounted to 332 Million before Ramadan minutes in June 2012.

"The highest increase in traffic noise going on in the area of West Java, Central Java 51,14% 32,36%, and Southern Sumatra 36,10%," said Adrian Prasanto, head of Corporate Communication, Indosat to detikINET, Tuesday (9/8/2012).

While SMS traffic in d-day increased to around 1,025 Million SMS, or up 32% compared to regular SMS traffic before Ramadan of 776 million SMS in June 2012.

"Indosat Customer Success send more than 96% which means there is no significant problem in SMS sending internal network Indosat," Adrian's claim.

While the success of the dispatch of SMS traffic operator reached approximately 94,70% while shipping line density occurred among operators. The highest increases occurred in East Java (47.86%), West Java (52.39%), and Central Java (46.86%).

While data traffic in days improved to around 44.58 H Tb/day, or riding 26.90% compared to Data traffic on before Ramadan i.e. in June 2012.

When compared to the condition H-day Idul Fitri last year, then voice traffic d-day 2012 decreased 5,83%. While SMS traffic d-day 2012 rising 14% versus SMS traffic on H 2011. And data communication traffic increased 68,09% compared to traffic last year.

Nationally, Indosat has increased traffic capacity voice be 924 million minutes per day, increased by 140.6% compared to regular traffic day ever.

For SMS, Indosat increasing capacity to 1.4 billion SMS per day, an increase of 62,41% compared to regular traffic day ever. While for the data, improving the capacity to 120 Indosat Terabytes per day, i.e. an increase of% compared to regular traffic 197,5 days uncommon.


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