Kamis, 06 September 2012

Yahoo boss Pirate 2 Google employees

Yahoo! (Ist.)Jakarta -Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo back strengthening his forces '. ' Never take shelter under the banner of Google, Mayer was hijacked two employees from the Office terdahulunya.

The woman who was appointed CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER of internet company in July and it has hired former Google Product Marketing Manager named Andrew Schulte. He is currently the Chief of staff at Yahoo's body.

Schulte joined Google in 2007. He had a chance to handle Google + marketing campaign. Affirmation of himself he write on the departure of a Twitter account or profile LinkedInnya.

Schulte, Mayer was before plowing Anne Espiritu where duluanya worked as a consumer technology PR in Google, as cited on Cnet, Monday (8/8/2012).

Mayer was busy setting up a central management structure of Yahoo. The company is reportedly also central hunt Chief Operating Officer (COO) with experience in the field of financial management and corporate restructuring.


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