Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Bada Faster Than Growing Windows Phone

Samsung Bada (Ist)United States -Bada, operating system (OS) and Samsung turns quietly washed away. The growth of this OS earlier than Windows Phone that vigorous attempts to penetrate Central.

Quoted TechRadar, Wednesday (15/8/2012), currently owned by Microsoft platform has a market share equivalent to OS Bada. The latest Data research firm Gartner says, Windows phones and Bada are equally occupied portion of 2.7 percent of the total market share of global mobile OS.

The number to be embedded is not too far from the market share of Research In Motion (RIM) at 5.2 percent. While the BlackBerry is pembesut decreased 6.5 percent, Bada experience increased 1.9 percent while Windows Phone up 1.6 percent compared to the same quarter last year.

Windows Phone Microsoft sold more of 4,087 million handsets during the quarter two 2012. Nokia, which is currently the nearest partner for Windows Phone Microsoft report, shipping 4 million handsets in the quarter the same Lumia.

However, Microsoft may still feel lucky. This software giant could benefit elections caused ' side ' of his patent license to Android handset makers.


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