Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

Why Endless Computer Viruses?

Illustration ofJakarta -Why endless computer viruses?

Answer: [Vaksincom]

Your question is quite difficult to answer. We must answer the proverbial, why would criminals/right deeds in Indonesia is endless. Like the saying goes there is no sugar Ant about it could be why computer viruses is endless.

Basically, it is a virus program, just as Angry Bird game program, MS Word processing program Word virus consists of codes pemorgraman. That Program was like a pistol, in the hands of the police he would use to maintain security.

But in the hands of people who are not responsible he will be used to Rob, steal motor Indomaret or simply exhibited to scare bikers who had grazed his car

A little out of topic, according to the observations of the Vaksincom virus in Indonesia, during the heyday of the virus ' local ' rontokbro and comrades most is the creation of young people are just learning programming.

Learn coding is tedious because it consists of syntax-syntax that if your girlfriend reads borne he will get bored and sleepy or even because it does not understand. overslept

But if it was created as a virus, it is becoming an attractive learning and the newbie (novice) at the world of coding will get an interesting picture of how the coding works. In fact if this was done for internal activities and on your own computer just should not matter.

But his name is also young people, ' If you can cool why not well-known? ... wong's boyfriend just broke up he created virus: p Then there was the spread of ' virus which is quite popular at the time.

And ridiculous, it gives rise to regional competition, so in case Rontokbro. Bandung can make viruses, the child can't buat viruses Ambon, Ambon came forth, followed by virus Manise Manado area, Yogyakarta, Medan, Surabaya, and so on. This causes indirectly increasing the local virus at the time.

But if meihat situation today, actually shift the motivation. If the beginning of the 1990s-2000s virus maker her motivation and self-actualization most crank-crank so disastrous. Then the virus makers are now organized and have motivation to benefit financially.

Take for example Antivirus Roguew (fake antivirus) that deceive their victims that their computer is infected with a virus that is very dangerous, but it is not beanr. The aim is that its victims fear and buy fake antivirus on offer.

Rogue antivirus until today still exist and can always mengelaurkan variants and new tricks every time an old variant on detection by antivirus as it is sustained by an organized team with strong financial support with strong financial support.

(jsn/ash) Alfons Tanujaya Alfons Tanujaya former banker who pioneered the career in the world of IT since 1998, 2000 founded PT. Vaksincom and actively dedicate time to provide information and education about malware and security for the IT community through Indonesia mailing list Alfons has also become an active resource for the national media and writing articles on security and malware IT media in Indonesia leading up to this point. This culinary enthusiasts can be reached at, Facebook and Twitter @ alfonstan.

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