Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

The Olympics was So ' Party ' Cyber criminals

Illustration (Ist.)Jakarta -not just so there's less Olympic sportsman world party. On the internet, cyber criminals also took part in the ' sports ' celebrate the feast feast on a four-yearly.

It's just, ' Party ' held dedemit maya is not a multi-sport event. It launched a variety of modes to deploy threat to internet users in different parts of the world.

According to Symantec Intelligence Report, in July 2012 yesterday, cyber criminals more aggressive activity in the mendompleng Olympics which took place in London, United Kingdom.

"We observe how attackers are using the hashtag in Twitter-themed Games to spread malicious programs, pack the threat in Android applications-themed Games that are popular, and make spam and phishing scams that disguised a contest sponsored by the credit card company," writes in his report, Symantec.

"Everything in the hope of profit from the festive atmosphere of the event (Olympics-red.) of these, "he said.

There are also some examples of spammers who try to trick users to download malware. For example, one email spam recently found contains links to web sites that resemble YouTube.

"We also observe the increasing use of attack toolkit (also known as exploitation kit) to spread malware," Symantec imbuh.

The amount of activity in the landscape now toolkit attacks reached an average of three times in the last six months of 2011. Despite appearances and the end result of such an attack remains the same from a user standpoint, there was a change in the way the attack toolkit created and maintained.

Previous toolkits purchased as stand-alone applications in underground markets. Exploitation now used for sale as a plugin for the framework toolkit or the exploitation of the whole process, including hosting the web server, and was leased as a service.

"We also highlighted the impact of frequent waiver toolkit web site private and SME--if your web server does not correctly patched and protected and safe, as possible can be used for hosting the attack toolkit," pungkas Symantec.

In July alone, the ratio of spam in email traffic globally increased by 0.8 percentage points since June, a into 67,6%. While spam levels in Indonesia also increased by 0.8 percentage points since June, a into 66,6%.

With regard to the spread of malware known affair in 1 340,9 email in the month of July (down $ 0,023 per cent points from June). In Indonesia improved to 1 in 862,0 email, compared to 1 in 1072,2 email last month.


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