Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Which is safer: Linux, Windows or OS X?

Illustration ofJakarta -Whether to use open source (Linux) means more secure from viruses than proprietary (Windows) that's been so popular?

Answer: [Vaksincom]

Currently, users of Linux is more secure than Windows users due to viruses in Windows much more than Linux virus which is still very little.

But if I may give you a little overview of our basic principles of mengeai securities. Basically all the software that bring the man-made nature of its creator (man) which is NOT PERFECT and always has kelmahan, this is called a security vulnerability (vulnerability) and keanaman who would slit can be exploited by malicious codes for mengekploitasi OS.

To this day no one OS which has no security gaps and every day always found new security gaps, so the actual statement that more aptly describes this problem is ' the question is not which applications safe from viruses are criminals motivated teteapi to mengekploitasi the application '.

With references, you can see 3 links below:

1. Mac initially did not get a virus attack, but due to the popularity of a significant number of users reached causing the virus makers are starting to mengincaar Mac and Apple inevitably renouncing that Mac could not be virus infected PC. Do Macs Get Viruses? Appple Removes Boast That OS X ' Doesnt't Get PC Viruses '

2. in addition to the virus which infects about Flashback 10% population of Mac and Android OS which in fact is a Open Source OS and even experience growth of malware (malicious softwar) evil 300%, much higher than Windows malware. Despite the number of still far fewer than the Windows malware. Q2 2012: Flashback infects 10% of Macs, Android malware up 300%

3. an article about the myth that linux is immune to the virus. Myth Busting: Linux Is Immune to Viruses?

(jsn/ash) Alfons Tanujaya Alfons Tanujaya former banker who pioneered the career in the world of IT since 1998, 2000 founded PT. Vaksincom and actively dedicate time to provide information and education about malware and security for the IT community through Indonesia mailing list Alfons has also become an active resource for the national media and writing articles on security and malware IT media in Indonesia leading up to this point. This culinary enthusiasts can be reached at, Facebook and Twitter @ alfonstan.

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